Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [v-ing] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And when a ratepayer challenged a local authority 's conduct of its policy to sell council houses and invoked his statutory right to complain to the District Auditor , he was debarred from at the same time pursuing the alternative remedy of applying to the courts for judicial review .
2 The point is that black people are not only at a disadvantage in the job market on account of their colour , they also perceive sharply that this is so and , despite Johnson 's tongue-in-cheek addendum , the consciousness of belonging to a group which feels itself to be at a disadvantage is clear enough .
3 The poems reflect the life and times of the people who created them , their moral values , their understanding of their own history , their hopes and fears for themselves as individuals , and , above all , their consciousness of belonging to a community under threat from alien forces .
4 This is one respect in which active citizenship is important because involvement in the community by voluntary work and political activity serves to foster a sense in the participating citizen of belonging to the community and of national identity , while at the same time contributing to the common welfare .
5 Well that 's a feeling you got moving around that er what the hell was the good of coming to a meeting you had no say in your conditions or wages or whatever .
6 He had sensed her fear of yielding to a man 's passion and had reined in his desire immediately .
7 It therefore places them in a paradoxical relationship and leaves the believer to live with the tension of relating to the world .
8 Although the eighteenth-century house was essentially public with its absence of corridors and its interconnecting rooms , expressing what Henry Wotton had described in 1624 as ‘ the fond Ambition of displaying to a Stranger all our Furniture at one Sight ’ , it nevertheless made generous provision for those who wished to make their journeys privately , within the mind .
9 Nevertheless five men , who had been imprisoned because they deliberately and flagrantly disobeyed the orders of the NIRC , and so imperilled the rule of law and ‘ our whole way of life ’ , were released although they had not asked to be released and had made clear that they had no intention of apologizing to the court for their behaviour or of desisting from that behaviour .
10 On Aug. 15 itself some 3,000 riot police clashed with 10,000 dissidents who had gathered at Yonsei University in western Seoul with the intention of marching to the Panmunjom rally .
11 Does my hon. Friend agree that domestic rates were especially unfair to single people , and will he reassure the House that he , at least , has no intention of returning to a system that discriminated against many pensioners ?
12 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
13 She had no intention of returning to the house in a hurry .
14 By late afternoon she realised he had no intention of returning to the office while she was in it , and she had a strong suspicion that he did not trust her .
15 When his father realised that Christian had no intention of returning to the family estate in Oxfordshire , and breeding prime Herefordshire cattle for the rest of his life , he gave him a small capital sum and washed his hands of him .
16 That is to say , there is no subterfuge implied in such an action , and I for one had no intention of overhearing to the extent I did that evening .
17 Given the validity of this theoretical result , the size and direction of this correlation for existing futures can be used to draw inferences about the effect of marking to the market on futures prices .
18 Thus , the average effect of marking to the market was an additional profit of about £8 per contract .
19 It appears that the effect of marking to the market with stochastic interest rates is generally rather small , can vary as between futures ( depending on the sensitivity of their price to movements in interest rates ) and may also vary over time for the same future .
20 Failure to support French policy in Indo-China would have the effect of contributing to the defeat of US aims in Europe and , applying the practical test of probability of success , ‘ the US would be backing a determined protagonist in this venture …
21 The uplift of a sedimentary pile undergoing maturation is likely to have the effect of leading to a cessation of hydrocarbon generation .
22 After a full term of playing to the changes I would like to applaud the lawmakers and suggest that the game may benefit by adopting some , if not all , in the senior game .
23 Apart from the huge expense of acceding to the health workers ' demands , defeat for the Government would have brought in its train a series of demands from other workers which it would have found hard to resist . …
24 Now , she added , the next hurdle for the team would be to find a sponsor to help with the expense of travelling to the championships .
25 Tailoring the extent of regulation to the particular circumstances aims to give protection where it is necessary without interfering with the efficient operation of the market where it is not , but it does so at the expense of adding to the complexity of the regulations
26 But the alternative of returning to the hall , and traversing its crowded sixty-foot length to gain the opposite staircase leading to the upper storey , where she shared a tiny chamber with Adele and two of Matilda 's ladies , was just as unappealing .
27 If his explanations were wrong , it made no difference to his faith ; if they were right , they strengthened the community of believers against the attacks of critics , and added the pleasure of understanding to the duty of believing .
28 However , in exercising their press freedom , media practitioners have the responsibility of conforming to the values subscribed to by Namibian society .
29 However , in exercising their press freedom , media practitioners have the responsibility of conforming to the values subscribed to by Namibian society .
30 Now he 's found , but if there 's a hope of getting to the truth about Sabine Jourdain in the next day or two I could linger . ’
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