Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [v-ing] [prep] some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This equity was not always easily achieved , however , since the organisation and philosophy of schooling in some divisions was somewhat at odds with the values embraced by the project .
2 It happened to me when I was sort of looking at some sort of electronic engineering that I was n't supposed to be doing I was just looking at it for interest like Well I 'd like to have the time to spend on that but I 'll leave that thank you very much .
3 And I remember just sort of leaping onto some grass and just letting it go , you know , could of been .
4 Yesterday Dr Williamson said : ‘ I am aware of a difference of understanding between some committee members and the health authority .
5 Yesterday Dr Williamson said : ‘ I am aware of a difference of understanding between some committee members and the health authority .
6 ‘ We are in danger of turning into some seaside vaudeville , ’ was the view of the Prime Minister .
7 ISPRA , the EEC 's main nuclear research establishment , is now certain to be a ‘ favoured competitor ’ in an orgy of bidding for some £300 million worth of EEC-funded research into fusion technology that is now getting under way .
8 We find the process simultaneously tiring , frustrating and rewarding when , at the end of tussling with some problems , we reach a shared view and a commitment to that view , which is usually of a different order to that which we can achieve by any other means .
9 Here we consider the incidence of features which are fore-grounded ( 1.4 ) by virtue of departing in some way from general norms of communication by means of the language code ; for example , exploitation of regularities of formal patterning , or of deviations from the linguistic code .
10 In fact , what was particularly surprising was the extent of support for the principle of examining in some arts departments .
11 ‘ He may have considered the possibility of selling at some stage in the past , ’ she conceded reluctantly .
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