Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] [noun] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , Lord Plowden ( who was at the time a civil servant engaged in economic planning and subsequently the chairman of a public corporation ) has recently suggested that the blueprint laid down in the Act was arguably too detailed , and that questions such as the division of powers between the centre and Area Boards could rationally be placed within the purview of nationalised industry management rather than of Parliament .
2 Similarly , because of the loss of full housing benefit once a person moves off income support , a large number of unemployed families face what has been called an unemployment trap .
3 And , with recruitment and turnover of staff , the company should examine its procedures thoroughly to find out whether its inability to recruit skilled people or reduce its high turnover rates could be the result of bad management practice rather than the location .
4 Two weeks before the General Election of 1983 , she agreed to be interviewed on the BBC Nationwide 's On the Spot in the guise of Tory party leader rather than Prime Minister of Britain .
5 They found the weapon used to stun the bookseller : a piece of half-inch iron pipe about ten inches long .
6 Any standard piece of Western catering equipment simply can not produce the heat needed .
7 FIONA Saunders , 24 , made a small piece of personal finance history when she became the 50,000th saver with Britain 's oldest and largest investment trust .
8 Although the electorate needed , and were given , a clear signal that Labour had changed , the policy review is , more importantly , the most comprehensive piece of sustained policy development ever carried out by an opposition party .
9 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
10 On reaching corner of hedge , right of way proceeds quarter left , aiming for left-hand side of small conifer plantation just in front of which cross footbridge and proceed to left of plantation to pick up track leading uphill to village of Bag Enderby ( a ) .
11 In America , of course , trustees are chosen much more from the business community than they are here , and those trustees have wanted to encourage the commercial side of American museum life much more than we 've done in Britain .
12 What will determine whether it emerges in one form or another is market demand — the same thing that will determine the pace and direction of electronic book development more generally .
13 Recurrent bursts of petitioning on an ever larger scale played a central part in developing and maintaining the dynamic of anti-slave trade agitation up to 1792 and of the emancipation campaign from 1823 .
14 However , the role of the associate nurse is seen as being skilled and creative , indicating a level of professional job satisfaction far above that likely to be experienced by nurses delivering care by either task allocation or team nursing .
15 Only the sailing types appreciated the problems of keeping the same bit of distant coast line ahead on the same point of sailing and in the same position relative to the other boats .
16 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
17 Yes , well I 'm a kind of glorified immigration officer really .
18 The seventh piece shows one such fresh-faced and owlishly bespectacled lad in school tie with a kind of three-dimensional think bubble quite literally flying overhead .
19 It does not refer to naive anthropomorphism , to childish notions of a kind of finite Person resident somewhere .
20 In the case of low technology design again he has an advisory role but with a general emphasis on awareness of the kinds and ranges of people who are being catered for .
21 In 1979 the ESRC funded a three year project , in the Department of Community Health at Nottingham , to develop a measure of subjective health status now known as the Nottingham Health Profile .
22 However , some recent studies have measure plasma levels of Factor VIII-related antigen as an indirect measure of endothelial cell damage together with β-thromboglobulin levels .
23 The new Wang will not invest in development , design and manufacture of open systems hardware so that capital investment , inventory and warehousing requirements will be substantially reduced .
24 The new Wang will not invest in development , design and manufacture of open systems hardware so that capital investment , inventory and warehousing requirements will be substantially reduced .
25 This analytical dimension of public choice theory therefore seeks to demonstrate that ‘ governmental failure ’ exists on a major scale .
26 Finally , the toast of Central South Sport tonight — Worcestershire 's cricketers .
27 The influence of Italian designer fashion now feeds into the larger phenomenon of sport couture .
28 However we believe there 's a second type of distributed database application more appropriate for general commercial use .
29 Immunity is another type of internal defence mechanism usually arising in response to an infection .
30 One can only speculate that the GMC took the easy option and avoided testing the issue of clinical ecology head on because it feared a lengthy presentation of evidence on both sides , with the risk of an inconclusive result .
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