Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [adj] [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 ACCOUNTANTS have never allowed the glory of a dancing beck or the rugged splendour of a mountainside to alter their perception of red ink at the bottom of a balance sheet .
2 This power over the working class was achieved at the economic level , through the extraction of surplus value at the point of production , and politically .
3 Edward undertook to place a force of 600 men at the duke 's disposal and to grant him the earldom of Richmond , to which his family had an ancient claim and which John of Gaunt relinquished for the purpose .
4 The continuous administration of such compounds at the normally recommended doses to elderly patients , therefore , may result in unnecessarily elevated and potentially harmful plasma levels ’ .
5 And I can not believe that the two did not exchange at length here , passing the very threshold of such a dominant historic occasion , an event which still burnt into the consciousness of all Scots at the time .
6 The defeat of British Jacobinism at the end of the 1790s was the starting point of an effervescence of fringe religious movements .
7 I do not know whether the Minister has seen today 's announcement about the loss of 370 jobs at the Volvo plant in Copeland in west Cumbria .
8 The move followed the loss of 589 jobs at the plant on Friday as a third of the workforce across the financially-stricken company was made redundant by administrative receivers .
9 I beg to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House under Standing Order No. 20 for the purpose of discussing a specific and important matter that should have urgent consideration , namely , ’ the announcement by British Coal of the loss of 13,000 jobs at the Prince of Wales , Sharlston , Kellingley and Whitemoor collieries and the closure of the topping cycle plant at Grimethorpe . ’
10 George Waldron , the MP for Buckingham , says he 's shocked by the loss of 250 jobs at the Westcote Rocket Research Plant .
11 All in all , with new investment in an oversupplied market and loss of economical competitiveness at the raw material end , it looked like a blood bath for us .
12 A move to restrict the use of juries in libel actions was defeated in 1981 , largely as a result of public satisfaction at the performance of the jury which sat for six months to hear the claim for libel brought by the head of the " Moonies " in England against the " Daily Mail " .
13 ‘ The emergency committee has unanimously decided to press British Gas to commit itself to the relocation of this installation at the earliest possible date . ’
14 The trial ended in November 1990 in Siegen ( Germany ) of a former SS officer Ernst August König , 71 , who was accused of killing eight gypsies and assisting in the murder of 1,067 others at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp .
15 One of the stairs cracked sharply beneath her foot ; she heard the front door of one of the ground-floor flats open behind her , and as she turned the corner of the staircase she caught a glimpse of a single eye and a draggle of grey hair at the crack .
16 I was n't really sure what I was doing going to listen to a programme of classical music at the uncustomary time of 10 a.m .
17 Biochemistry is the study of living systems at the molecular level .
18 They have been ‘ closing the gap ’ on productivity and quality with their Japanese rivals , says Mr David Cole , director of the Centre for the Study of Automotive Transportation at the University of Michigan .
19 Molecular Biology is the study of biological systems at the molecular level .
20 Australia , Canada , the Republic of Ireland , and the United States have nothing like the same concentration of unqualified power at the centre of government as this country has .
21 It is a product of a dark , brutal side of Cambodian society that lives in fear of racial extinction at the hands of the neighbouring Vietnamese and Thais .
22 A question mark already hangs over the future of 3,000 staff at the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency in Swansea , whose work could go to firms in England .
23 The data presented were drawn from detailed clinical interview of new patients at the point of initial assessment .
24 In addition , can a set of precepts developed in the fifth century BC still retain sufficient vitality and relevance to regulate the practice of medical wonders at the end of the twentieth century AD ?
25 He had shaved , but it was a rough job : a piece of sticking plaster at the side of his face showed where he had cut himself .
26 There was a time when he owned only this great mausoleum , and that piece of derelict land at the bottom of Shorrock Hill .
27 Despite the scepticism of many historians at the time , Beresford eventually drew together all his findings in The Lost Villages of England , published in 1954 .
28 Royal College of Nursing members at the hospital had expressed worry over possible job losses and morale was said to be at a low ebb .
29 From a monthly turnover of 400 roubles at the end of December 1922 , one of them was to rise to a turnover of 2,000 by March 1923 .
30 Soccer Comment : Dark and deadly side of intense life at the top
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