Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] over its [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( On Sept. 7 , at the end of a two-day debate for which the UK House of Commons had been recalled from its summer recess , the UK government had won a vote of confidence over its handling of the Gulf crisis , by 437 votes to 35 . )
2 An sure enough , last year Heinz had to withdraw its sponsorship of the second Green Shopping Day at the last minute amid a storm of publicity over its tuna fishing methods , which were allegedly killing dolphins .
3 It hit out after a report from the Parliamentary Ombudsman sharply criticised the Ministry of Agriculture over its failure to ‘ devise and implement a scheme which complied with the legislation ’ to pay compensation .
4 Legislation to create the agency has been delayed by a dispute between the Department of the Environment and the Ministry of Agriculture over its role .
5 THE Bank of England came under strong criticism yesterday from a cross-party committee of MPs over its role in the collapse of the Bank of Credit & Commerce International .
6 And as the all-too-solid original took a single step out from the doorway he dropped the loop of wire over its head and , like a man straining to start an outboard motor , suddenly hauled it tight for all he was worth .
7 Trident sell the popular rippled ‘ drainpipe ’ -like material Flocor which appears to be mainly aimed at free movement of water over its surface .
8 However strongly she felt about the rights and wrongs of her situation she had no sense of power over its outcome .
9 If the EEC were to acquire its own resources , then the organisation would lose the element of control over its spending that came with the existing system of national contributions : Hallstein could then argue that giving the European Parliament more authority would provide the necessary democratic control over the Commission .
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