Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] over this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a good deal of controversy over this issue .
2 Its basis is systematic monitoring of the full complement of courses over this period , and its direct evaluation of some twenty-five of them .
3 The research should contribute not only to knowledge about the degree and type of control over this area of professional practice but also provide information on aspects of general medical services which have given cause for complaint .
4 In order to engage in comparisons over time we were faced with a dilemma stemming from the change in the range of newspapers over this period .
5 Social and economic relations were modified in a whole range of ways over this period , some of them to the advantage of the working class .
6 He said : ‘ We have met with a wall of silence over this business .
7 The feeling of staff over this issue had been communicated effectively to management .
8 The five firm concentration ratio has varied around an average of 41% over this period , rising to a peak of 53% in 1978 before falling to 34% in 1980 , rising to 47% in 1983 before declining to 30% in 1990 .
9 Chairman David Campbell said : ‘ We 're still in a state of shock over this development .
10 Chairman David Campbell said : ‘ We 're still in a state of shock over this development .
11 I 'm very hopeful because er , Vietnam since nineteen eighty six has been under a process of economic and political reform , and they have released er a large amount of prisoners over this time , and there are still a number of prisoners , such as poets er religious people that are still in prison , who are hoping that , with their renewed effort and attention from the media , this 'll er be changed .
12 The changes in the composition of income over this period are shown in the Table .
13 The real wage rate obviously rises as a result of an expansion of output over this range .
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