Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] was so [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Umpires David Shepherd and John Holder chivvied them several times , but although the players might deny it suited them tactically to keep as many of their batting overs in hand for the next day when better weather was promised , it is difficult to dismiss the thought that the level of fines was so derisory that they did not give it a thought .
2 Because the level of transactions was so high ahead of the slump in house prices , it is widely believed that there is a substantial number of homeowners waiting to sell when prices do start to recover .
3 She absolutely could not move because her level of arousal was so high she had no performance her performance being walking in that case
4 A lieutenant of Dragoons was so dismissive of any danger that he was eagerly telling his Sergeant how the new science of phrenology measured human aptitudes from the shape of a man 's skull .
5 Her grandfather 's insistence that she was free to go out into the world now and take a course of training was so much nonsense .
6 " The copper ore of Greenburn was so fine in colour and texture that it came near to gold !
7 What proved particularly shocking in this instance was that the licensing of firearms was so haphazard that a 16-year-old Whitechapel youth , who had already stood trial on a charge of wounding his 16-year-old girlfriend with a revolver , could obtain a licence at a later date without even having to show proof of his age .
8 When the RSPCA was founded 150 years ago , the abuse of animals was so extreme and obscene that the issues must have appeared simple to the founders .
9 IT IS impossible to understand the Victorian age without understanding why Darwin 's theory of the origin of species was so disturbing ; and perhaps it is equally impossible to understand the argument over evolution without learning why it was so fiercely resisted , by scientists as well as laymen .
10 When I was researching this subject , the opening exchange of conversations was so invariable that I learnt to recite it at once to save time .
11 Very soon , however , it was realised that the fall of rock was so extensive that it would take weeks to reach John and , naturally , the initial urgency waned .
12 There was one occasion when he went into a café and asked for tea and then while he waited he suddenly saw a solution to a theological argument which he had with Leslie Owen the warden , and his waving of hands was so convulsive that the café refused to serve him with the tea .
13 This system was usually applied where the grade of ore was so poor as to preclude it being worked by the tribute system .
14 This picture of Dreadnought was so wide of the mark that Willis found it better to say nothing , simply making a gesture which had something in common with a petty officer 's salute .
15 A hint she had been blind to because the very notion of suicide was so antithetical to her own nature .
16 This is not surprising in a society where there was Christian influence and the concept of sin was so acute .
17 That is , until one of Penfold 's Australian winemakers poled up at Geyser Peak winery in California and realised the price of Chardonnay was so high around the Sonoma Valley he 'd never manage to make a £4.99 class white for our market .
18 I am certain that , in those days , the quality of food was so poor that eating was probably hazardous .
19 The contrast during the week of mission was so extraordinary as to affect Ramsey 's life .
20 This did not at first include the canon of the Mass , but the momentum of change was such in the early post-conciliar period — moreover , the absurdity of retaining an isolated island of Latin was so obvious — that this quickly followed .
21 They had been challenging the sailing colliers for a number of years and the movement of coal was so important that the nautical press carried a daily feature and report on the coal trade .
22 The sense of hierarchy was so subtle as to be almost non-existent .
23 Indeed , it would appear that the Dobermann 's sense of hearing was so acute that , even with the kitchen door closed , he could hear the rattle of his dog lead .
24 The expanse of beach was so denuded of any trace of the present century we might have stepped out on to a distant planet .
25 The society of Raasay was so self-contained that he could hold it in his palm and turn it this way and that .
26 Nessie began to lift off the larger embers and was surprised that the heap of ashes was so high .
27 The Secretary of State was so ignorant that he believed that the Bill applied to Scotland .
28 June 1873 , the Prince and Princess of Wales held a garden party there , at which Queen Victoria , also the Shah of Persia , were present , and the list of guests was so long that it filled three columns of the Times .
29 An early decree ordered the destruction of heathen temples ; and the pressure of Westernisation was so relentless and meticulous that at one stage male Christians could be fined for urinating in the oriental , crouched position .
30 The change in her way of living was so vast she could scarcely credit it ; she would stop , sometimes , with the polishing rag in her hand , under the watchful eye of the parakeet , and say aloud : ‘ But this can never be me , not really me !
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