Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] is [that] the " in BNC.

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1 Another result of training is that the different signals arriving at an element often have similar values , except that some are positive and some negative .
2 The new position as a result of Litster is that the purchaser can be liable for any dismissal in connection with a sale irrespective of whether the dismissals take place before , on or after completion .
3 A further fear of industry is that the monies raised by carbon taxation will not be channelled into research or development of energy efficiency but will simply be used to line government coffers .
4 Linked with this periodic replacement and expansion of fixed capital will be the proposition that the direct cause of the outbreak of crises is that the sale of means of consumption falls relative to the volume of their production .
5 One good piece of news is that the Ku Klux Klan has almost entirely disappeared — those robes are murder to swim in — but you can see the odd pointy hat poking out of the water here and there .
6 The company 's price lists explain what features are supplied and what they erect — their general rule of thumb is that the kit and erection represents about a third of the total building costs , excluding land .
7 From a legal point of view , a useful rule of thumb is that the maximum of a dismissed executive 's legal claims is likely to be the total
8 how to distinguish a statistically significant coefficient , right , rule of thumb is that the T ratio has to be greater than two with absolute value right and the figures in square brackets next to the T ratios tell us the exact level of significance , right , er of that coefficient , right , so the incoming elasticity of demand is statistically significant from zero only at the eighty five percent level , a correspondence of fifteen percent significance that incoming the price elasticity demand , highly significant , right , significance level as given by the probabil by the probability er unit in square brackets , the timing level therefore we could be very highly confident about that coefficient okay .
9 In all traditions , the iron rule of contemplation is that the mystic must be able to integrate his experience successfully with his daily life .
10 The most important rule of nomenclature is that the name of a substance should be unambiguous .
11 The effect of non-authorization is that the market operator commits a criminal offence with the result that the transaction(s) becomes unenforceable .
12 The essence of Anglicanism is that the basis of our authority is located within the nexus of three sources — Bible , Church and reason .
13 One disadvantage of nylon is that the knots are inclined to slip , creating variations in mesh size .
14 The great weight of evidence is that the employment of large numbers of professionals in an organisation poses ‘ problems ’ for the application of the bureaucratic or hierarchical management model .
15 Another advantage of Threads is that the fast emerging object model fits nicely on to it .
16 The advantage of reverse-flow is that the water can be constantly filtered for detritus and debris that would otherwise be held in the coral sand and gravel and cause it to pack down and clog .
17 The best hope of course is that the rates which the government has chosen to go in at will be sustainable , that the government will be able to combine cuts with interest rates , cuts in interest rates , with the needs of the economy and the constraints of the European Monetary System , so that it actually gets a downward path of interest rates at the rate which the economy needs , without provoking a sterling crisis which would push sterling to the bottom of its permitted rates , and produce a crisis of erm of confidence needing higher interest rates .
18 One problem with this kind of criticism is that the ‘ images ’ in question have often been misinterpreted , since they have been discussed without reference to the context or narrative structure in which they may appear .
19 But the most general conclusion that we draw from this kind of pattern is that the norms of a speech community are not necessarily uniform within that community , with every group agreeing on a single appropriate realization .
20 Under the illegality theory , as the name implies , the ground for the award of damages is that the defendant has acted illegally .
21 But a crucial difference in the case of cricket is that the consultation process can only take place off the field .
22 Our measure of progress is that the way that we ask these questions has changed .
23 But the problem with this type of creation-as-destruction is that the negative aspect is easily equated with nihilism .
24 ‘ to proceed beyond the stop line of a ‘ Pelican ’ crossing when the vehicular traffic signal was showing a red light' As the most common defence to this type of offence is that the lights were still at green it is desirable to prove this point convincingly .
25 The problem with this type of structure is that the Antillean or Swiss company would be a CFC ; thus UK tax on the income was merely deferred .
26 Nevertheless , since a requirement of rationality is that the subjective expectation of the price level , , should equal the objective conditional mathematical expectation for , it follows that .
27 The advantage of this sort of work is that the descriptions of cellular mechanisms are very detailed and this provides a good basis for determining whether the same cellular mechanisms are available in mammals .
28 The problem with this sort of provision is that the cycle lanes have to be carried across junctions , which represent both bottlenecks and accident black spots on the network .
29 The whole point of this sort of book is that the solution when it comes should be startling and unexpected .
30 However , the disadvantage from the tenant 's point of view is that the minimum rent payable under the lease will be increased .
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