Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Beside the stone shell of the Flemyngs ' new mill , at the back of a piece of ground it now shared with a new carpet factory , long-haired cattle were browsing desultorily among mudded grass and stacks of timber .
2 Oakeshott suggests that each mode of experience constitutes a self-contradiction since the aim it pursues contradicts the criterion of coherence it implicitly acknowledges .
3 At some level of expenditure it presumably becomes inequitable for a disabled person to expect public support for the more expensive domiciliary care if this means depriving someone else of care of any sort .
4 These three teachers were struggling to survive in an inner-city school and could not give the evaluation project the kind of commitment it really deserved .
5 In the case of exchanges it usually translates into a general contractual duty to act fairly .
6 In the case of machinery it often makes operators indifferent to the dangers they are involved with every working day .
7 Because a standard IQ score is usually a good measure of g it efficiently tells us something important .
8 During the early 1970s , when the sort of thinking exemplified by Limits to Growth permeated official forecasts of imminent shortages of strategic commodities , the CIA toyed with the idea that ‘ The United States ’ near-monopoly position as a food exporter … could give [ it ] a measure of power it never had before . ’
9 When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there .
10 This attitude has provoked strong reactions from various gallery holders who have benefited by the system , some of whom accuse Mr Job de Ruiter , the chairman of the Arts Council , of wanting to dictate the taste of the public by forcing on it a type of art it simply does n't want .
11 The wasp will remember exactly what to do at each burrow , according to its stage in the cycle , and the number of caterpillars it already contains , even though she may not have visited it for several days .
12 For a large number of firms it also represents a substantial lost business opportunity .
13 Once the ground has lost its protective cover of vegetation it quickly turns to desert .
14 National growth was uneven ; in the north of England it quickly took root although in the northwest and in Wales it grew more slowly ; it was always weak in Liverpool .
15 James and I continued to go out and have lovely times together , but after a couple of years it slowly began to dawn on me that I was expanding .
16 in a couple of years it never done a thing and now it 's growing .
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