Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] i [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 This piece of information I gave him with a triumphant smile .
2 It was a kind of lifestyle I knew nothing about , having always lived in South Kensington .
3 To compete , I suppose , Malc had his ego ( and other parts ) massaged between the sheets and in my heart of hearts I knew his affairs were superficial — of the genitals rather than the heart — and during one of our deep analytical discussions on the subject , he admitted that he could n't wait to leave his lover 's bed and get home once the act was over .
4 With a sigh of relief I dropped my hands , because instead of Dad lying there there was the attic door which had fallen in such a way that it was wedging the door back , trapping me where I was .
5 The wall charts were the type of project I felt I had trained to tackle , and this was my first major commission involving both botany and zoology .
6 All I could do was to mumble that I regretted not taking my degree , and , though I could see it was irritating of me to whine , to feel stale and bored was not such a trivial thing ; that though we might have the vote now , meals still had to be prepared and children looked after and since this kind of drudgery was despised by society as not being ‘ real work ’ , we were in the hideous position of being both exhausted and imprisoned by it and also looked down on for doing it ; that I had honestly tried to be the sort of wife Richard wanted — and the sort of wife I felt I ought to be — but it was like being in a kind of airless cell and I could only see Richard as a jailer ; that I saw myself becoming progressively more and more incapable of doing anything , not just mentally , but from some kind of paralysis of will .
7 And I was only doing up here but er , that 's good enough , sort of thing I kissed her on the lips a couple
8 The recession — it looks as though there is a glimmer of light , but I was on the continent a couple of three weeks ago when the mortar attack took place at Number Ten and the reaction of people I met I mean it was much more marked there than it was here , or seemed to be .
9 ‘ Break up … ‘ ' is about a string of friends I had who were very intense people and at that age , when your friends talk about the slim separation between life and death — and you set that against the fact that this period of your youth is supposed to be the most playful and reckless — well , if you utilized that period in a very intense way , that feeling never really leaves you . ’
10 Chairman er in his remarks a bit earlier on Professor said that he did not think it was appropriate to give executive power to the director of education I wrote your words down at the time he did not think it appropriate to give executive power to the director of education and he said , despite Mr 's clarification you want to move a bit nearer if you 're going to be his minder Mr that in fact he did n't
11 And the apostle Paul in Corinthians in chapter six he says , at the acceptable time I listen to you , and on the day of salvation I helped you .
12 As a mark of gratitude I sent her a food parcel which , she was good enough to say , miraculously filled the worst gaps in her store-cupboard .
13 The following is summary of notes I showed you today , I do n't think Rob was in a receptive mood ! :
14 AS A COPYWRITER AT the agency responsible for advertising the launch of Femidom I felt I had to comment on the remarks made by your testees ( pun intended ) .
15 Over his post-prandial mug of tea I asked him what had brought him north so early this year .
16 With a sense of relief I abandoned my idea of escape .
17 I made a lot of mistakes as any young person does , but I never made the mistake of thinking I knew it all as far as the Africans were concerned . "
18 She frowned and took the cup of tea I handed her .
19 Reaching for a glass of water I found there was none .
20 Well I had the the twenty one and thirteen in the two groups so subtract those two and have twice the amount of X I thought I would have .
21 Knowing my partner 's dislike of traverses I laced it with gear — but inserted that final , final nut before making the last heave to safety .
22 I could n't tell you how , but it I , cos you 'd , I do n't want nothing , but when I did , I 'd got ta use my ingenuity to get something that I could get one or two or a dozen or ten off , you know what I mean , and I got ta make it and a lot of times I made it out of wood which was easily er you know treated .
23 As a matter of fact I heard it stop when it reached the house . ’
24 After the first couple of minutes I thought we were going to be in for a really entertaining game .
25 so we started called her lip , but that happened before I got there so , as I got there it just like , as I joined got in with the regulars it started to peter out a bit , but I got fooled with a couple of times I thought they were taking the piss , alright Lynn how you doing , you know , still .
26 Was it any more accurate , or just the load of mumbo-jumbo I said it was ? ’
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