Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] of [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In tundra habitats , it has been shown that lemmings can eat up to 50 per cent of available vegetation and destroy a lot more during peak years , and as a result of lack of food the rate of decline of lemming populations can be as rapid as the rate of increase ( Batzli , 1975 ) .
2 He argued that the plant should be studied together with its environment as a single unit and that mankind should respect the traditional wisdom gained from the trial and error of generations of peasants the world over .
3 It is important that all the possibly infected sites are sampled , since in a small percentage of cases of gonorrhoea the rectum or urethra may be the only site involved .
4 A questionnaire had been circulated earlier in the year , and from that the steering committee had outlined ‘ valuable feedback ’ , indicating the sort of programme of events the branch needed .
5 From the point of view of capital the sector would have increased in importance by a half .
6 If the x coins of year a were made , for example , a hundred years before the 2x coins of year b , it would be unwise to conclude that twice as many coins were made in year b , since to do so would take no account of the gradual wastage or erosion of coins of year a from circulation ( by accidental loss , hoarding , export of coinage , melting down , etc . ) .
7 In the Admissibility of Hearings of Petitioners the International Court of Justice advised that oral hearings before the Committee for South West Africa could be granted to inhabitants of the territory to further the development of the international institution , and to render effective the General Assembly 's supervisory role .
8 A priori this latter feature might be thought somewhat undesirable as it implies that the higher the rate of growth of wealth the lower the share of the total portfolio held within the UK .
9 Thus , if in the year 1992/93 the income was £100 and the trustees paid the basic rate of tax because the income had a UK source of £25 and the additional rate of tax of £10 the amount of income available at the end of 1993 is £65 .
10 It is the ratio of the number of moles of gas a to the total number of moles of gas present .
11 There are a number of points of view the executive want to put and I 'll be calling Paul at the end of that debate .
12 Among these were a number of scions of William the Conqueror 's knights whose descendants were to wield great influence in Scotland 's tumultuous history : Bernard de Bailleul ( later Balliol ) ; Robert de Brus ( Bruce or ‘ the Bruce ’ ) ; and Walter FitzAlan , who became hereditary Steward of Scotland , a title leading ultimately to the name and royal family of Stewart .
13 In historical periods a loss factor of about 2 per cent per annum is known to have occurred ; compounded over a period of as long as a century , this will clearly drastically reduce the amount of coinage of year a available to the hoarder at the later date .
14 Why should it be zero or below before they receive the small amount of assistance of £6 a week ?
15 Where persons set out deliberately to prevent others from conducting perfectly lawful business , they do the cause of freedom of speech a disservice .
16 By virtue of the doctrine of privity of estate the assignee will be liable to the landlord only for breaches of covenant occurring while the lease is vested in it , and that is why a landlord will usually insist upon a direct covenant from the assignee to observe and perform the provisions of the lease during the residue of the term , as in clause 5.9.4 .
17 To deal with such difficulties and unnecessary travel of pieces of paper the Bank of England announced in November 1988 that it would set up a Central Money Markets Office ( CMO ) to develop a book entry transfer system to enable money market instrument paper to be ‘ immobilised ’ and eventually be ‘ dematerialised ’ .
18 At the time of diagnosis of leukaemia the TNF was 3 pg/mL ; during her pneumonia , 40 pg/mL ; 2 months after , 8 pg/mL ; and 5 months after , 7 pg/mL .
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