Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [vb mod] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The National Association of Teleworkers can be contacted on 0761 413869 .
2 His manner was somewhat sharp and self-assured , not yet fanatical , and though his evenness of temper might be doubted , he was on the whole good company .
3 Whilst each episode of cystitis may be helped by remedies selected from these tables , the tendency for the condition to recur is unlikely to be affected .
4 A great deal of assistance can be expected from suppliers .
5 Finally , a good deal of work will be done differently in the information-based organization .
6 A great deal of discussion will be generated and it 's certain that the bulk of the attributes will focus on relationships rather than on curriculum or administrative matters .
7 The systems described here represent the early attempts at combining the capabilities of stepping motors and microprocessors ; a great deal of development will be needed before the full potential of the combination is realised .
8 A great deal of damage can be done by well-meaning people getting others to ‘ talk about it ’ or ‘ getting them to cry ’ before they are ready to do so .
9 A great deal of thought may be needed to adapt and adjust so that hearing loss causes as little strain as possible .
10 As many have found , often only in retrospect , a good deal of thought must be given to the preparation of data for presentation to the machine .
11 If the information recorded in these systems is not carefully indexed by a well-designed coding scheme a great deal of re-analysis will be needed before meaningful management information can be produced .
12 It is impossible for any of us to monitor carefully every single thing we say — how boring and stilted our speech would be if we did — but it is as well to remember that young children take the spoken word very literally , and a great deal of harm can be caused by the use of thoughtless and insensitive phrases .
13 Such data are usually extensive and a good deal of compression can be achieved by working in fixed format mode where each item of data for a sample unit occupies its own particular field ( position ) in the line being typed .
14 In Easton , the dislike of it made some policemen reluctant to attend certain sorts of incident where a great deal of paperwork could be expected ( such as road traffic accidents ) , although means of formal control usually ensured they responded in the end .
15 Often the bookseller or cataloguer has not bothered to identify the arms , so that a good deal of pleasure can be obtained from rectifying their indolence or ignorance .
16 For price subsidy schemes to perfectly internalize the goods-specific externality , a great deal of information would be required , of a nature that would be difficult to measure ( Browning 1975 ) .
17 I think the solution is certainly to breed animals in zoos but , if it is done , a great deal of effort must be made to ensure the conditions in which the animals are kept are good , and there are some zoos now which are successful in keeping animals so that their welfare is good .
18 It seemed to Alexei as he considered it that a great deal of effort must be required to sustain such a relationship , and he could not imagine how his father could be bothered with it , or how the women could be content .
19 He said a great deal of investigation would be needed into exactly how it should be done and yesterday 's filming was part of that process .
20 There is no objective formula for deciding what tariff of punishment should be attached to a particular offence .
21 If oppression is imagined as a distortion of the self , then the lifting of oppression might be imagined to result in the self resuming its natural undistorted form .
22 Establishing A-X and B-Y associations will mean , therefore , that the perception of A will be changed in one way and that of B in a different way .
23 In addition , many of them can be tied into Personal Construct Theory in a way that allows its associated Repertory Grid Technique to be used both as an investigatory tool and as a means whereby the perception of art might be enhanced .
24 The authors conclude that a link between treatment with human insulin and reduced perception of hypoglycaemia should be ruled out .
25 As an example , a partnership of solicitors might be formed with the objective of making profits but with the object of providing legal services .
26 In 1917 the eugenist and social purist , the Rev. James Marchant confidently pronounced : ‘ It is now being fully recognized that all moral reforms for the regeneration of mankind must be brought about by the combination of religion and science . ’
27 Although the bulk of production will be consumed by the group , there is still scope for external customers , a point he considers of special significance with the advent of 1992 and the potential of orders from Europe .
28 For example , two nurses are required to do the medicine round , and the administration of drugs can be used as a learning opportunity .
29 If so , dilution of earnings may be avoided more easily .
30 On the other hand if the subject 's contrast is very high the dilution of Rodinal can be increased to 1:75 or more to fully develop the negative without over-developing the highlight areas .
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