Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It aims to finance a minimum level of services , to equalize taxable resources between different local authorities , and to relieve the domestic ratepayer of part of the local tax burden .
2 Not all cases known to the indicator agencies were examined , but only those who were resident in the Borough of Wirral during the specified time period .
3 A well-known Serbian-American historian , Michael Boro Petrovich , considers that the most far-reaching effect of the Ottoman occupation was the isolation of Serbia from the main currents of western thought and western social development .
4 The relative isolation of women from the public world of their husbands does not just have an impact on their access to relatives and friends but also , not surprisingly , on their use of leisure facilities outside the home ( see also chapter 10 , section 10.3 ) .
5 Another point worth noting , though perhaps less decisive , is the close association of Abdulkerim with the Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasa .
6 Criticism in the 1893 Act regarding the poor status and qualifications of teachers of the deaf led — in 1895 — to the formation of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf .
7 National Association of Teachers of the Deaf , 1895
8 In 1976 , the N.C.T.D. re-formed itself to become the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf ( B.A.T.O.D. )
9 Although his faith in the combined system was not shared during his lifetime by the majority of his fellow teachers in Great Britain , he was nevertheless held in great respect , and the editorship of the journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf — The Teacher of the Deaf — was entrusted to him for many years .
10 This association of societies for the Blind and the Deaf continues to this day in the present building at Centenary House , North Street , Leeds .
11 We excluded patients if ( i ) they had had an episode of pneumonia within the past 6 months , ( ii ) they lived in a nursing home or had been admitted to another hospital within the past 2 weeks , and ( iii ) there was subsequent clinical or laboratory evidence of a different diagnosis .
12 Development of any successful national campaign has failed , e.g. the use of ORS to prevent deaths from diarrhoea — the biggest killer of children in the developing world .
13 There was a great deal of space on the new site , but the station was less conveniently situated to the city than the old one had been .
14 At Bethlehem , New Hampshire , the highest village east of the Rockies , the Boston and Maine created a delightful , half-timbered chalet-style building with a great deal of space for the horse-drawn coaches and carriages which conveyed excursionists from the station .
15 Paradoxically , Gill and Jackson 's book appeared at a t–me when there was a great deal of activity in the black community directed towards finding black families for black children , thereby making it progressively unnecessary for transracial placements to continue .
16 The mine , with the associated influx of workers , and the demand for materials , must have injected a deal of money into the local economy .
17 This may cost more at the time but could save a good deal of money in the long run .
18 We have built up a great deal of knowledge about the historical side of the palaces but that has not been presented to the public . ’
19 Oxford Polytechnic 's interpretation of modular structure is analogous to a federal state , with a great deal of diversity at the subject-based periphery , and a great deal of uniformity at the administration-based centre .
20 It would certainly create more work for the lawyers but would not add a great deal of protection for the ordinary person .
21 We shall be doing a great deal of work in the coming months to discourage the government from taking a decision which would send book prices soaring and seriously damage the health of the trade . ’
22 By 1980 the succession of troubles along the Iran-Iraq border , combined with uncertainty as to the international behaviour to be expected of post-revolutionary Iran , was provoking a good deal of disquiet in the outside world , particularly among the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) states .
23 Black Holes are fascinating , and have caused a great deal of excitement over the past 20 years .
24 In detail there might be a great deal of discussion about the institutional arrangements necessary to responsible government , but in general some are obvious .
25 I hear , I , I , I think there is a tendency with the County Council but as I discovered as Chairman of Highways that members want to take a greater interest and to have a greater say on the items on the agenda now planning is is not a controversial as , as say highway items , but nevertheless I think there will be times and there will be agendas which will require a great deal of discussion on the individual items and I 'm also a great believer bearing in mind comments if it ai n't broke , do n't bend it .
26 To someone accustomed by the existing advanced accounting courses , with no involvement in the National Certificate , the proposals seemed somewhat revolutionary and the document generated a good deal of discussion over the following few weeks on the relative merits of the B1 and B2 models etc .
27 There had not been a meeting of the accident investigation division for fifteen years and there had been a great deal of development in the civil aviation scene in the intervening period , so a meeting was called in Montreal in January and February of that year .
28 My Lords , er , er , er no doubt that all of your Lordships have throughout the last hour and forty minutes felt a great deal of sympathy with the Noble Earl Lord
29 I have a great deal of sympathy for the hon. Gentleman , because I am sure that all hon. Members are annoyed when they do not receive replies to letters .
30 There was a great deal of speculation in the Western press during October concerning the position of President Hafez al-Assad 's brother , Col. Rifaat al-Assad .
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