Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [unc] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It also assumes that there has been no hidden export of Leicestershire 's residents to cheap ( and possibly nasty ) nursing homes elsewhere in Britain , a practice that some other health districts have been accused of .
2 The way in which royal messengers allegedly searched far and wide for a suitable bride ignores the likelihood that the union with Emma was motivated purely by political considerations , while the statement that they sent other sons to Normandy to be educated is a misleading reference to the exile of Emma 's offspring by Æthelred .
3 OVER 200 of the North-East 's best young athletes will be battling it out in the Durham Association of Boys ' Clubs cross country championships at Aykley Heads , Durham , tomorrow writes FRANK JOHNSON .
4 MIDDLESBROUGH and Cleveland Harriers stole the show with all four individual winners and two team gold medals in yesterday 's Durham Association of Boys ' Clubs cross country championships at Aykley Heads , Durham .
5 However , results of at least one analysis of these statistics suggests that this association of father 's occupation with early childhood mortality may be attributed to the fact that his occupation is an indicator of household economic circumstances .
6 The overriding concern of the organisers and participants at this year 's American Association of Museums ' convention in Baltimore ( 25–29 April ) was the financial crisis that has , all too quickly , overtaken this country 's cultural institutions .
7 His announcement at the annual conference of the Association of Children 's Reporters in Peebles received an immediate welcome from childcare agencies .
8 Association of Crohn 's disease with genetic markers
9 Now the end of cold war , the collapse of the old Soviet Union and the readjustment of America 's role in the region are thrusting great-powerdom upon it .
10 While looking forward in its powerfully climactic , funeral-march sections to the episode of Siegfried 's death in the Wagner excerpts later , the instrumental virtuosity of its writing also seemed to pick up where the preceding concert left off in the Chicago 's bravura , if sometimes coarse-grained account of Strauss 's Ein Heldenleben .
11 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
12 If Robson could be paired in central midfield with Steve McMahon , who deputised so impressively for him in Stockholm , a great deal of England 's anxiety about the trip to Poland would be relieved .
13 They complicated the whole problem of obedience in a quite remarkable way , and they took up a great deal of Anselm 's time as archbishop .
14 Langland 's imaginative perception of Will 's growth from experiencing this tension as destructive to a state where he sees it as the opportunity for love parallels the written witness of the mystics .
15 In the orchestration of this criticism , and in the curbing of local aristocrats who were quite unrestrained by royal power , no single factor was more important than the veneration of saints ' shrines at a local monastery .
16 I detest the painters : Antonio Lopez , who sincerely believes that ‘ all a painter can demand is that his work be exhibited with dignity ’ ; Luis Gordillo , who has condemned the blandishing to tourism of the previous presentation of ‘ Guernica ’ ; Eduardo Arroyo , who confuses the vulgarity of Madrid 's status as cultural capital with the praiseworthiness of a perverse act ; José María Sicilia who has mistaken ‘ Guernica ’ for a prostitute , maintaining that ‘ if one accepts a gift one must fulfil the conditions it implies ’ ; and lastly , Antoni Tàpies , father of so many aberrations , for whom the transferral of ‘ Guernica ’ is as if , ‘ finally , contemporary art had a father-figure ’ .
17 Bodley 's view about the literary insignificance of English drama was formally challenged by Ben Jonson who published plays in the Folio edition of his Workes in 1616 and later , and in response to Jonson 's success , by Shakespeare 's first editors , Heminge and Condell , who brought out the First Folio of Shakespeare 's plays in 1623 ( eight years after Shakespeare died ) .
18 In many other parts of the country , primary schools followed a curriculum in which formal activities in number and language occupied the bulk of children 's time in school .
19 From here the Foinmen were hidden by the bulk of Ringer 's Foin with the rock on its top like a bell .
20 The neglect by the police force of women 's complaints of rape , domestic violence and other forms of physical abuse by men is now quite notorious ( figure 4.10 ) .
21 Leicestershire felt the full force of Buckinghamshire 's keeness in the field when Winston benjamin was run out … a real mix up … which did n't go down too well with Mr. benjamin the batsman …
22 But this neglects the force of Althusser 's emphasis on Marxism as itself a theoretical practice with its own history of epistemological self-correction , a possibility derived from the work of the mathematician Jean Cavaillès , who stressed the degree to which the history of mathematics , particularly set theory , could be accounted for by the dialectical development of the concept .
23 If few could attain the peculiar sanctity of St Francis who united contemplative consciousness of God 's love with a life of exemplary action , such integrity was seen as a desideratum .
24 That completed a Festival double for amateur Marcus Armytage , who had steered Tug of Gold to a game defeat of Paco 's Boy in the Kim Muir the previous afternoon .
25 Disliking the Tories more than he disliked Labour , he declared that on the defeat of Baldwin 's Government in the new Parliament , the King should ask MacDonald to form an administration , which he and his fellow Liberals would keep in office as long as it avoided extremist policies .
26 Chimes of Freedom , who came out a short-head in front when the pair met over course and distance in July , should emphasise her superiority judged on a recent defeat of Pharaoh 's Delight at The Curragh .
27 This dual meaning of female subjects emerges most strongly when psychology tries to explain areas of intense social concern like the family , mental health , and sexuality , where the adequacy of psychology 's concept of the subject comes under particular scrutiny .
28 There was no horse of Vulcan 's calibre in this race and Seb went to the front half-way around the four-mile course .
29 According to Robert F. Maguire III , President of LACMA 's Board of Trustees , ‘ One of Rusty 's most significant accomplishments was spearheading the museum 's efforts to reach out to the city 's diverse population , mounting exhibitions of multicultural appeal ’ .
30 Norman Campbell , president of Darlington 's Chamber of Trade , welcomed the initiative but warned it would be virtually impossible to stamp out solvent abuse altogether .
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