Example sentences of "[noun sg] over a [noun] of a " in BNC.

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1 As it happens , there is a substantial engine refurbishment contract in the offing which ( although tenders have not yet been invited ) promises to bring someone several tens of millions of pounds in revenue over a period of a few years .
2 He admitted ten charges of possessing and supplying cannabis and speed over a period of a year .
3 The weights are determined from the results of the annual Family Expenditure Survey which covers about 7,000 households selected from all parts of the UK : each member of the household over sixteen years of age is asked to provide information on his or her spending behaviour over a period of a fortnight and also to describe any longer-term expenditures .
4 Scientific studies carried out a few years ago revealed that regular sunbed users ( those using a bed more than once a week over a period of a few years ) now have a condition called skin fragility syndrome .
5 Since the water had to be raised to the top of the acropolis over a distance of a kilometre , this saved the construction of an aqueduct 100 feet high over this long distance .
6 The next part of the treatment is to ask him to visualize such a situation over a period of a week or two while , at the same time , trying to refrain from the sexual act itself — although kissing and caressing his partner , whether in bed or not , is to be encouraged .
7 Holding that the dismissals were fair , the tribunal said that , whilst it accepted that the union did not specifically accept what was proposed by the company , it concluded that , by its continuing and sustained silence over a period of a month , the union had agreed to the compulsory redundancies being handled in the way the company had proposed .
8 ‘ It 's an extraordinary capsule in time , covering American collecting over a period of a dozen years ’ , he said .
9 Usually the syndrome is associated with frequent coughing and slight tachypnoea over a period of a few days ; less frequently there is marked tachypnoea , hyperpnoea and in dairy cows a reduction in milk yield .
10 Seismic data were returned to Earth over a period of a few years from these five stations , though they were reduced to four when the Apollo 11 station stopped working .
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