Example sentences of "[noun sg] must [be] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bulb must be in good working order and the wiring must be good , i.e. free from any short circuits or bad earths which could adversely affect the lamp ,
2 All your gear must be in good condition and regular checks cost nothing .
3 And even then the said imagination must be in some place heavily impregnated with magic , which helps to weaken the walls between the world of the seen and unseen .
4 The throttle must be in functional order as well .
5 The program file must be in tokenised format .
6 If only because the offence is defined in terms of ‘ duty ’ the concept must be in some way limited to the ways that the law obliges the constable to act , in however attenuated or weak a sense of that word .
7 The defendants had not contested the jurisdiction of the English court and must be taken to have accepted that the dispute would be settled in accordance with English procedure ; the English court must be in full control of its own procedures and not allow procedural battles to develop in other countries which would add to the expense and dislocate the timetable of English litigation .
8 ‘ The mechanism must be in this bed post , with a spring that runs here under the boarding and up into the other . ’
9 The program must be in tokenised format .
10 The program must be in tokenised format .
11 It may still be objected that , though pupils at school must be in some way ranked in order of merit , the only way to do this that would not be restrictive is by in-school assessment .
12 There must be adequate ventilation into the room , and the flue must be in good condition and have a good draught , with no susceptibility to down-draught .
13 are clearly right to emphasise that new forms of politics and people 's support of these politics must be in some way connected to changing social structures and crises within capitalist society .
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