Example sentences of "[noun sg] like a [noun sg] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Upstairs in his room Dorian 's body shook with fear like a leaf in the wind .
2 Frightened , Robyn clings to the steering wheel like a helmsman in a storm , her head craned forward to peer past the flailing windscreen wipers at the road ahead , ribbed with furrows of yellow-brown slush .
3 The Duke intoned the words in a hollow boom like a ghost in a graveyard .
4 As we pass under the junction bridge a severe blast of wind hits the car like a punch in the ribs .
5 For years the image of her had hung in my mind like a portrait in a high room , seldom observed but unchanging .
6 He imagined an old white lady like a ghost in a wheel-chair .
7 across her pillow like a princess in a
8 Since both were wrong , it is of little practical significance that where the one saw the change stealing upon the scene like a thief in the night , the other envisaged the proletariat oppressed beyond further endurance rising in response to the call to the class war to enforce the change .
9 Paralysed with terror , Evelyn gaped at the thundering carriage moving inexorably down towards the tiny girl like a horror in a nightmare .
10 But the market would be affected , particularly as the disappointed broker had n't hesitated to tell everyone how lucky he 'd been not to drop a packet on Dreadnought , which had gone straight to the bottom like a stone in a pond .
11 His heart cannoned round his chest like a bullock in a pen .
12 I tried not to cringe when he chewed my left ear making a noise like a pig in a trough .
13 I always thought he fancied himself as a bit like a character in a war film , The Dambusters , Bomber Harris maybe .
14 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
15 Belting tales of outlaw attitude like the born-to-be-wild rocker ‘ Ride Into YOur Town ’ are juxtaposed to beautiful ballads , like the piano-accompanied ‘ How Does It Feel ’ ( ‘ … to ruthlessly steal my heart like a thief in the night ’ ) — .
16 I sat for half an hour outside the dining room like a pickle in a jam factory .
17 He beat about his room like a bat in a panic .
18 She started to pace the dealing room like a lioness in a cage .
19 He gently replaced her hand on her knee and said , " You 'll have the place like a palace in no time . "
20 You need to be cooped up with a Jermiah like a hole in the head !
21 She thought of the Germans landing and her grandmother running away with her things on a cart like a refugee in a newspaper picture .
22 They could hear the wood splintering under his teeth — a sound like a mouse in a shed wainscot at midnight .
23 At common law , the position is that if the article in question is a standard product like a meal in a restaurant ( Lockett v A and M Charles Ltd [ 1938 ] 4 All ER 170 ) this is a sale of goods so that liability is strict .
24 Suddenly he 'd arch his back like a twig in a furnace , scraping his stockinged feet for purchase , then take his head in both hands and try to smash it on the floor , only prevented by the cushions .
25 The passive of hear is also often used to present an occurrence as an attested fact : ( 70 ) This term was also used by the cowboy in the sense of a human showin " fight , as one cowboy was heard to say , he arches his back like a mule in a hailstorm .
26 Alice turned her face to him and tired to erase from a corner of her mind an image of Louise standing like a ghost in the doorway of the house , watching her leave .
27 Away to his right the lighthouse stood on its rocky island like a picture in a story book and it all reminded him of his first holiday by the sea at the age of seven .
28 Something flashed in the centre of the cell door like a lens in an old-fashioned camera .
29 As always he was nosing out the territory like a dog in a new home ; no objective in view .
30 He was still sitting in the same chair , staring into space like a man in a trance .
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