Example sentences of "[noun sg] could be [vb pp] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the far end of the corridor , almost in front of the large window , at that moment filled with grey light and rain , my father 's figure could be seen frozen in a posture that suggested he was taking part in some ceremonial ritual .
2 But , if the wife has been in receipt of the advice of a stranger whom the creditor believes on reasonable grounds to be competent , independent and disinterested , then the circumstances would need to be very exceptional before the creditor could be held bound by any equity which otherwise might arise from the husband 's conduct and his wife 's actual failure to understand the transaction …
3 What Athens presumably wanted , for pollution could be got rid of , was for the Megarians to vow an expensive building or pay some humiliatingly large fine ( thus acknowledging Athenian ascendancy ) , for the ‘ chief malefactors ’ , i.e. the anti-Athenians , to be hounded out , and for Megara to be quietly absorbed into Athens ' sphere of influence .
4 Newman and Copland walked to the edge of the entrance , a grenade silencing one post a mere 25 yards away ; over the water the searchlight of the Mole could be seen beamed on the river .
5 According to Roger of Howden , as they did so , the shape of a cross could be seen outlined in the sky above their heads .
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