Example sentences of "[noun sg] come to [noun prp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 George Day Welsh came to Madeira at the end of the eighteenth century and married the important and rich Vicência Ludovina de Freitas , whose family were large landowners in the Madalena do Mar area .
2 The first Victor PC came to Britain as the Sirius PC , and was sold and supported by ACT , Applied Computer Techniques of Birmingham .
3 So in the 60s , when serious money came to Ireland as a result of determined government policy to encourage foreign investment in the country , it was possible for a nationalist to become involved in tearing the heart out of Dublin while extolling the virtues of Irish freedom .
4 Although he had not a prayer against Desert Orchid in the Gold Cup , Norton 's Coin came to Cheltenham with the reputation of being a useful enough horse despite lowly origins .
5 When a child comes to Cizek for the first time , Cizek gives him materials , and the child draws what he likes .
6 So he invited her sent her a ticket to come to America for a year in nineteen three .
7 In October of that year the King came to Compiègne as the guest of the Emperor and Empress , who both deployed all their charms in an attempt to woo him into a declaration of support for France .
8 The news came to Perth on the day of the King 's special council , and was brought to Thorfinn by Bishop Jon as he prepared to leave with Prior Eochaid for the Moot Hill .
9 In fact , Flaherty thought it was a better idea than invoking the Draoicht Suan until it was explained to him that unless Pumlumon did invoke it , they would all of them be roasting on spits in the Gruagach 's sculleries before the night was out , to which he said that giants had always been partial to roast Gnome and he had always thought it was a mistake to come to Tara in the first place .
10 The knowledge that the gathering was safely round the corner came to Hazel in the form of a recollection of Silver 's head and paws breaking through gravel .
11 Striking out : NALGO members opposed to the pay squeeze came to London for a rally
12 Karate came to England via the work and expertise of an unsung innovator named Vernon Bell , who can truly be called the father of English karate .
13 She closed the door behind her and the conversation came to Meredith as the muffled indistinguishable sound of Harriet 's voice .
14 AN EXHIBITION celebrating 100 years of shipping came to Merseyside at the weekend .
15 Theatrical images of this kind are apparent throughout Eliot 's work and , as Browne has remarked , " The image of the actor finding himself on stage in the wrong part comes to Eliot as the expression of a climax of disturbance " .
16 Death came to Pavlova at the age of fifty on the eve of a new European tour .
17 In February 1988 the mother came to England for a holiday with the children .
18 The son came to England for the first time in 1922 as a Rhodes scholar .
19 Christianity came to Kerala in the first century .
20 Christianity came to England up a river , when St Augustine and his forty monks travelled to Canterbury up the Kentish Stour , ‘ singing all the way ’ .
21 AN ORGY of steam traction comes to Dorset on the weekend of September 19 and 20 with history being made as six locomotives steam at once during a special fund-raising Grand Steam Gala — the most locos ever seen in the Isle of Purbeck .
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