Example sentences of "[noun sg] come [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Gives me an excuse to come and put you to bed , I guess .
2 The head had asked the educational psychologist to come and assess him with a view to producing a formal Statement of Special Educational Needs .
3 The storm came and drove them into their flimsy shelter .
4 But if you are still in the UK for the four days from July 15–18 , put a note in your dairy to come and see us at this year 's Art in Action at Waterperry House , Wheatley in Oxfordshire .
5 The footman came and dismantled it for me and I brought a chair to the French windows , quite casually , and there was natural light coming in .
6 ‘ No , dear — it 's kind of you , but when you get to my age you like to sit quietly and think about the past — and I watch my telly and listen to carols on my old wireless and then the Home Help comes and puts me to bed .
7 Except to note that now that the right honourable member for Chesterfield is publishing his former speeches as a video , it is rather a cheap operation to come and repeat them in the chamber er rather than putting them out er for public consumption there are places where he could repeat the kind of speeches just given , unfortunately the government is closing most of them down at the moment and putting the cut the inhabitants out in the community er but it had no relevance to the er the subject we 're dealing with today .
8 Thank you all very much indeed and thank you particularly for making an effort to come and join us at the A G M , apart from the fact that it would be tedious in the extreme to look at an empty room , I do understand
9 By the way her mother fiddled with the handle of her wicker basket Constance could tell that she was longing for the bus to come and take her to Chollerton where her beauty and style might stand some chance of being noticed .
10 Seb was out harrowing one of his own fields when the young stable-hand came and told him of Christian 's arrival .
11 Isolated young mice squeak repeatedly at frequencies of 45 000 hertz to 88 000 hertz , until their mother comes and returns them to the nest .
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