Example sentences of "[noun sg] than [pron] would have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He would fit more naturally into an old silent movie than he would have done on Tiswas .
2 Anyway , there was less blood than I would have imagined . ’
3 If Sid chose to hang on , he could now sell his shares for around 85% more than he paid — a far better deal than he would have got buying the market as a whole .
4 Louis examined Trent with less emotion than he would have given a sandwich .
5 Garry must be a much better lover than I would have thought him , or is it the legacy his godfather has left him that tempts you ? ’
6 In their struggle to gain control of the wool tax the commons arguably gained more by agreeing to grant the tax and receiving in return concessions on free trade in wool than they would have achieved by seeking to abolish the tax .
7 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
8 In the flurry and excitement you clue will bulk much less large in the reader 's mind than it would have done .
9 Leonora settled down to her breakfast in a better frame of mind than she would have believed possible the day before .
10 The Director has stated a seemingly modest goal : that someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
11 ‘ someone who is assessed as requiring residential or nursing home care on 1 April should be able to receive it with no greater difficulty than s/he would have experienced on 31 March .
12 Suspension noise is well contained , too , and while there 's a little more tyre and wind noise than we would have expected , the Safrane still shines in this category and makes a particularly quiet and refined motorway cruiser .
13 What then of the Government 's claim that it is spending more money in income support than it would have done had the previous supplementary benefit system remained in place ?
14 They could increase their holdings of capital , by charging more in depreciation than they would have charged in principal repayments .
15 The man 's tone was dismissive , and Jaq had to allow him more credit for flexibility than he would have supposed .
16 I also recognised that I was expected to take responsibility for the interpretation of the utterance , exploring a wide range of contextual assumptions ( about hospitals , illness , operations , and convalescence ) and deriving a wide range of contextual implications — not only a wider range than I would have derived had the newsreader just produced [ 14b ] , but a wider range than I would have derived if I had realised that the speaker was talking about the pound .
17 I also recognised that I was expected to take responsibility for the interpretation of the utterance , exploring a wide range of contextual assumptions ( about hospitals , illness , operations , and convalescence ) and deriving a wide range of contextual implications — not only a wider range than I would have derived had the newsreader just produced [ 14b ] , but a wider range than I would have derived if I had realised that the speaker was talking about the pound .
18 ‘ The merger provides the potential for developing more business than we would have achieved separately and I am confident that we have the basis for a successful future .
19 German young people recently have shown a more revolutionary and radical sort of behaviour than one would have dreamt possible in the old Germany , but in this morning 's paper I read of the results of erm a public opinion poll recently conducted by the German government about neo-nazism in Germany , showing what seems to be a rather alarming quantity of surviving interest in sympathy for old nazism .
20 The advantage to the bank is that it has the use of a deposit for a fixed period , but , because of the flexibility given to the lender , at a slightly lower price than it would have had to pay for a normal time deposit .
21 Although the extra representation for zemstva did not arise out of St Petersburg 's enthusiasm for local government ( but out of the determination of central agencies to prevent any one of their number dominating the rest ) , it nevertheless ensured " a large dose of decentralization " in primary education and gave primary schools a better chance than they would have had otherwise .
22 A Brazilian lucky enough to earn the minimum wage must work four times longer now for a basic food ration than she would have done in 1959 .
23 Some alienation provisions contain surrender-back clauses which should be strongly resisted by the tenant , as they lead to uncertainty as to whether the tenant will be permitted to assign the lease to the person of its choosing , and unless carefully worded could result in the tenant obtaining less from the landlord on surrender than it would have done from the assignee .
24 She did not rage so much against Aunt Emily but more at herself for being so naive as to agree to and promote a plan that any less raw and unworldly creature than herself would have seen was hardly possible .
25 With careful thought and the application of ruthless logic , it may be possible to establish a much larger claim than you would have expected .
26 His ankles were unbound ; it made him think he was higher off the ground than he would have liked .
27 She faced her anger at being abandoned at an earlier age than anyone would have expected , and talked about loneliness .
28 Erm , the conditions were erm slightly different on the second floor , in the sense that there were a few , few people and a few items of equipment erm , and there is a relatively great density of staff on the first floor than I would have found .
29 A better woodsman than he would have known from the absence of game in the ride that the verderers were not far ahead , but the Friar did not read the signs .
30 Penny would have known more wives from the Agency and from the Bureau than she would have met wives from the Service .
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