Example sentences of "[noun sg] when the [noun] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The second misunderstanding arose from the fact that the suffragettes were not averse to the use o force or violence when the occasion demanded it .
2 The guns , which can take blank ammunition and are used in country and western events , were in a case left in the car when the owner parked it outside the Boiler Makers ' club .
3 In 1991 , the village pub was threatened with closure when the brewery put it up for sale .
4 He then turns onto his hemiplegic side when the carer tells him to , and the carer guides the movement with one hand on the patient 's shoulder , the other on his pelvis .
5 Mrs Hughes , from Marske , Cleveland , was 108 when she had tea at No 10 with the then Prime Minister , Margaret Thatcher — and later she returned the compliment when the premier visited her home while in north-east England .
6 But the quick-thinking cabbie , who picked up the woman from a pub in Exeter , Devon , alerted a cashier when the hijacker ordered him to stop at a motorway service station for cigarettes .
7 The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December .
8 He introduced Billie to Jenny and saw her disappointment when the pilot explained she 'd have to sit in the back with the ferry tanks .
9 He said nothing for a minute or two and told the person next to him that he was having a bad dream when the stranger woke him up .
10 Back in a mess when the country needs it most
11 Going on again on the tenant farmers , I actually think that er we are very good landlords and I think our our our tenants would rather us keep us as landlords than the private sector , in actual fact we will have no doubt a debate quite soon on that issue when the government makes us sell off all areas of of er th our interests and that one , I will tell you this , I think that some of the members all sides of the fence every side of the fence , have been passionately behind the tenants , if if they 're gon na be sold off by now they 'd have been sold off , but I think it wo n't be far long before we have to take education first , social services first , the elderly before er your side with your government to come forward and say to us we do n't want you interfering with anything like that and being bold business , get rid of , but that 's another debate that will come up later on .
12 She stood still for a moment and looked up and down the street ; it seemed to shine ; the light the sun had poured onto the packed dirt of the road glowed back pewter under the stars ; there was no longer any moon , it had set earlier that night , and the dimensions of the scene had expanded , creating a vacancy which made Rosa feel her pulse quicken , as if she too were growing , becoming less stubby , less compact , stretching upwards and turning silvery herself like the leaf of an olive when the breeze lifts it and shows its metallic underside .
13 MIKE SLEMEN last night vowed to bring the Springbok celebrations to a halt when the North take them on at Elland Road , Leeds tonight .
14 But now I have , and I see what I should have seen a long time ago , the selfish , arrogant , unscrupulous fixer who has been quietly feathering his nest in London for the past ten years at our expense after turning his back on us as though we were n't good enough for him , who could n't even be bothered to come home during this ordeal but just flew over on a weekend return when the mood took him , when he had nothing better to do , like the tourist he is !
15 Did n't you think of that danger when the Union asked you to do this ?
16 So it would have been pretty well dead low water when the woman saw him , " Burgess replied indirectly .
17 ‘ I just went numb with shock when the jury found them guilty . ’
18 United 's game plan , with few refinements , is that which took them up behind Wolves in May : long balls from the back , incessant hustling in midfield , nine men behind the ball when the opposition have it .
19 He described how the Japanese used a laser beam strategy within a poorly drafted law to penetrate the European market while protecting their own domestic market behind a dynastic organisational structure which only permitted import access when the dynasty deemed it politically expedient to do so .
20 ‘ The sweat starts on the day of the game when the gaffer tells us his plans .
21 We were half-way to the island when the pirates fired it at us . ’
22 It was a relief when the men joined us , wallowing into the room like walruses .
23 A similar tiny gesture takes on the same value when Alain rubs one foot up and down the other leg when the girls tickle him .
24 Sanjurjo perished at the very outset when the plane taking him back to Spain from his Portuguese exile crashed on take-off .
25 Potrovsky stamped on the brake pedal violently and the Mercedes was still slewing across the icy road when the missile struck it broadside .
26 With one exception , he won every case he presented to the VAT tribunal — the exception being when the tribunal decided it did not have the jurisdiction to hear the case .
27 ‘ Let us thank God for youth when the antibiotics fail us .
28 It was in her hand when the soldier jerked her roughly around and pulled her against him .
29 Wolski survived because his brother Avram put a hand to his back and despite his father 's protests pushed him forward from the line when the Germans said they wanted shoemakers and tailors .
30 Does a situation only become a problem when the sufferer identifies it as something about which he or she , can do something ?
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