Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [pron] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She shouted her innermost feelings about the hurt and anger she felt towards her mother who had ill-treated her a great deal when she had been young and in her mother 's care .
2 She probably knew too that they had been none too fond of Granny when she 'd been alive .
3 He is clearly rather tired of preaching the design gospel when it has been evident to him for many years the fundamental role it plays in good business practice .
4 What happens to the grief reaction when there has been little warning of the impending death , or for various reasons , where there has been no opportunity to be involved in the preparation process ?
5 I have answered parliamentary questions from the hon. Gentleman when I have been able to do so .
6 This time it was just a computer error they thought — apparently a fairly common occurrence when there 's been some form of disruption to a claim .
7 What crass hypocrisy , pretending to worry about her career when she had been instrumental in its destruction !
8 On occasions , current behaviour is simply a repetition of long-standing family patterns , as for example when there has been marital conflict expressed in physical violence or where a mentally ill son or daughter has had periodic outbursts of physical aggression .
9 With a faint , elusive smile , she recalled a similar sort of feeling when she had yearned after the paperboy when she 'd been fourteen .
10 On the other hand , nationalist movements within industrial countries have had some success when they have been able to establish strong party organizations , as in the case of the Scottish National Party or the Parti Quebecois , or more recently in the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia .
11 What 's the weirdest thing you 've ever seen in an audience when you 've been onstage ?
12 Nobody but himself knew what it had cost him to start riding with Nutty as a teacher , and to get to his present standard on the crazy little mare when he had been terrified out of his wits at the things she did .
13 then he comes home , that 's what he likes to do potter around the house , well I do n't want to potter around the house when I 've been stuck in for twelve months .
14 The school 's educational psychologist had made contact with the family when he had been involved in an assessment of Jeetinder , the second son , now in the fourth year at the school .
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