Example sentences of "[noun sg] who be [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Simon liked to impress , and having a girlfriend who was considered to be a high achiever gave him extra kudos .
2 Clause 22 and Sch 3 provide for an employee who would otherwise have to be suspended from work for health and safety reasons on maternity grounds , such as pregnancy , recent birth , or where the woman is breast-feeding her child , to be offered suitable alternative work ( if available ) and for an employee who is suspended to be paid during the suspension .
3 The child who is encouraged to be a self-respecting individual , however , will carry that impression of himself forward into adulthood and will find that others respond to him as someone worthy of their respect .
4 There is clearly therefore no legal difficulty involved in aborting a mentally handicapped child , or a child who is expected to be mentally handicapped .
5 Between 400 and 500 Iraqi troops were reported captured during the fighting , while 31 US personnel were described as missing or captured , including a female Marine who was thought to be the first US woman soldier to be captured by an enemy force .
6 His knowledge of Paris was confined to the underworld , but he did know that the bandit , Chicot , had a mistress who was said to be British .
7 A GHOST who is said to be the guardian spirit of Somerset orchards , in south-western England .
8 That old woman across the landing who was judged to be clear thinking ; so much so , even at her age , that she visited the factory every Friday and went over the books with Henry .
9 It is precisely this that makes me very suspicious of searching for some supposed rational parliamentary intention outside the language in which a draftsman who is known to be rational has chosen to express it .
10 His assassin was identified by police as El Sayed Noseir , a 37-year-old boiler repairman who was believed to be an Egyptian immigrant .
11 This project has three objectives : to investigate how accurately parents and their adolescent children can predict each other 's thinking over complex moral and social problems ; to assess whether the degree of such accuracy is related to the nature and extent of parent-adolescent conflicts , and to test whether an individual at one level of cognitive development can describe the view of another person who is assumed to be at a higher level .
12 This notice would be served on the person who is deemed to be contravening the provision and this could include any person on whom responsibilities are placed , whether he is an employer , an employed person , or a supplier of equipment or materials .
13 But if Jesus of Nazareth is not thought to be unique , and the Christian story is just a myth , why , one must ask , should one who is a feminist choose to take up this particular myth when it is so male , and has central to it a male person who is held to be unique ?
14 In the UK the rubella vaccine has been offered to all girls in early adolescence and to non-pregnant women of child-bearing age who are found to be serologically negative for this antigen but with the use of the new measles/mumps/rubella ( MMR ) vaccine to small children ( 1988 ) , this will eventually become unnecessary .
15 At the start of the following week , James Callaghan , then a young Parliamentary Secretary , was among a group of Ministers outside the Cabinet who were summoned to be told of the Cabinet 's decision .
16 She has recently started a new job and feels attracted to a senior female colleague who is rumoured to be gay .
17 He had not seen the kings but he told her of the baby who was born to be King in a nearby village called Bethlehem .
18 The man who is said to be in his 40s and local was taken to the specialist burns unit at Whiston Hospital but his condition is not known .
19 " I can not remain married to a man who is known to be a homosexual . "
20 The new regiment earned its army nickname through the term of endearment used throughout the intimate conversation by the man who was said to be Mr Gilbey .
21 Time after time he had pressed the claims of a workingman candidate on a constituency " , but they had properly chosen the man who was considered to be most suitable for the constituency .
22 Apart from a daughter who was believed to be barren he had no other near kin living and in a state of acute depression he determined to sell up and go to the Holy Land .
23 In the case of carers who have their own children this is easier to see than for the classic ( and disappearing ) case of the single daughter who was presumed to be childless ; although in that case the assumption in the past was that the single daughter would be rewarded in material terms through being the major beneficiary of her parents ' will , if they had money or property to bequeath .
24 Harry brought friends with him , the family carriage was despatched to Truro to meet a London train bringing Mrs Burrows ' oldest friend , a widow with a daughter who was reputed to be an awfully jolly girl , and a motor car rolled up to Langley Dene with more cousins , swathed in veils and goggles and long motoring coats , come to celebrate Easter .
25 One of the things that surprised me when I first read the New Testament seriously was that it was always talking about a Dark Power in the universe — a mighty evil spirit who was held to be the Power behind death and disease , and sin .
26 ‘ I understand people associating me with bands I 've worked on as an engineer , but I do n't understand why I am the only engineer in the world who 's expected to be discriminating about the bands he 's worked with … ’
27 However , of the significantly reduced number who were found to be poor , 68 per cent were pensioners ( table 5.1 of A. B. Atkison , ‘ Low pay and the cycle of poverty ’ , in Low Pay , ed .
28 This artist 's impression is said to be a good likeness of the attacker who 's thought to be in his late 30s and has a pot belly .
29 But in so doing , they ignored a continuing problem ; and they created a new one , for the price they paid for the French troops who solved the English military problem was a monarch who was taught to be French and Catholic , and who would return to her country only when both these things clashed with the prevailing balance of power in Scotland .
30 A named 40-year-old nurse who was said to be his previous girlfriend for seven years was reported as saying about her sex life with the man : ‘ We had a good love life .
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