Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 Because on this occasion the fame seemed such a foregone conclusion , there was less talk than usual about its progress , which was a disappointment to those on our side who desperately wanted to be able to display modesty about their achievements .
2 It was by chance and with the support of a visiting teacher of drawing who also happened to be a lecturer at Goldsmiths College that I succeeded in getting a place at art school , the first and last totally blind student to have ever done so in Britain .
3 Meryl Streep is wonderfully comic as an actress who really wants to be a singer , while Shirley Maclaine shows her versatility and talent as she defiantly crashes through ‘ I 'm Still Here ’ .
4 Endless ads have been Green or organic , from the guy who rips his plans up to wreck the countryside and earns himself a beer , to the couple in the deodorant ad who just happen to be frolicking naked in the forest with camouflage make-up .
5 And time out : Another blow for the girl who just wants to be one of the boys .
6 Joan Halton is disturbed by an old guilt related to the underlying resentment and fury she felt in respect of her younger sister who always seemed to be allowed to come first .
7 Contrast this with the woodwind who often seem to be fighting gamely against insubordinate instruments and recalcitrant reeds , their difficulties surely exacerbated by lack of contact with the West , where orchestral wind playing has gone from strength to strength .
8 A software engineer who freely admits to being plump and has tried every diet in the book claims to have invented a programme that 's guaranteed to keep those extra pounds off .
9 Later I mention this encounter to an old friend who just happens to be a former service supervisor for the phone company .
10 Pond snail in monteray pine David Morgan ( or Ned ) is one of the rate sorts of person who always appears to be happy and cheerful , making him the natural leader of the Devon branch of the British Woodcarvers Association .
11 THEY say every picture tells a story … and these pictures show a woman who just wants to be alone .
12 The means of escaping poverty are not worth pursuing by a woman who genuinely wishes to be happy .
13 Hincmar of Rheims wrote to give orders to a neighbouring count who just happened to be his kinsman : it is not hard to see how an archbishop might refer to the local counts collectively as " his " , or the draftsman of a capitulary write in general terms of " archbishops and their counts " .
14 I 've another mate who always wanted to be an actor .
15 Bank Assistants can not afford to live on their current salaries and , as has been pointed out , a Bank assistant who also happens to be a bread winner would be better off on the Dole !
16 I thought , ‘ Here is this man who just begs to be loved , and who just wants to be a handsome , gorgeous leading man , ’ but who really was not .
17 I remember some other kids , a girls ' dorm , green-painted walls with a red border half-way up , a stiff roller-towel next to a wash-hand-basin , the scent of carbolic soap , hugs from a kind , laughing lady with large arms and the comforting smell of B.O. , and a small , quiet , wiry man who always seemed to be sweeping and winking .
18 Charlesworth and Nathan ( 1982 ) tell a very poignant story about a young man who always wanted to be a lumberjack .
19 ‘ Next to the Devil you have no more bitter , more poisonous , more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew . ’
20 Known throughout the army as ‘ le Capucin Botté ’ ( the Fighting Friar ) , in his entourage de Castelnau was always accompanied by his own private chaplain , a Rabelaisian Jesuit who also happened to be his nephew .
21 Simon is a devoted dad who always tried to be around as much as possible .
22 ‘ The whole thing has got out of control , I 'm not so much bored as miserable , ’ confided Diana to a sympathetic neighbour who just happened to be a journalist .
23 A careful note should be made against any sub-contractor used by the builder who subsequently proved to be unsatisfactory .
24 Most of Rory 's pals in London were in the International Marxist Croup , but here he was ; wandering the hills with an upper class dingbat who just happened to be married to his sister and who lived for huntin' , shootin' and fishin' ( and seemed to spend the absolute minimum amount of time in his castle with his wife ) , and who had just last year rationalised half the work force in the glass factory out of a job .
25 Its civilised debates introduced topics largely ignored elsewhere and calmed down even the kind of politician who always seems to be addressing a public meeting .
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