Example sentences of "[noun sg] go [adv prt] [to-vb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Garrett goes on to indicate that the harm may not only be physical , but may include mental and social suffering such as neglect ( withholding , e.g. food , fluid , washing facilities , or overmedicating ) ; exploitation ( often financial — misappropriation of pension , savings , jewellery ) ; psychological abuse ( ridicule , humiliation , removal of decision-making ) ; and even sexual abuse including rape , and not always against female elderly .
2 Shanken goes on to argue that the factor analysis methodology may be manipulated by merely recombining a given set of securities and that therefore on its own the factor model is inadequate as it is incapable of economic interpretation .
3 Michael 's lawyers have complained in a High Court writ that the label 's right to reject his work is unreasonable and the legal action goes on to allege that the distribution of profits from his albums ‘ Faith ’ and ‘ Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1 ’ was unfair .
4 Gordian goes on to provide that the same is now to apply in pecuniary cases : an action for trust is to be available in all circumstances .
5 But crucially , although oppressive confessions may be ruled out , the Act goes on to provide that the fact ‘ that a confession is wholly or partly excluded … shall not affect the admissibility in evidence of any facts discovered as a result of the confession ’ .
6 The passage goes on to say that the Hart-Leap Well experience made William and Dorothy feel that their decision to settle at Grasmere was justified .
7 The committee went on to recommend that the remit for UDCs should be altered to provide a more precise definition of ‘ regeneration ’ .
8 The proposal went on to argue that the development of library skills would be a natural consequence of project involvement since it would involve " more practice in the skills of retrieval " .
9 The court went on to record that the issues thus created had been narrowed by the acceptance on the part of the applicant 's counsel that the right of silence could not be invoked against the Director prior to the charge of the suspected person , and by counsel for the Director that if , as he submitted , the power to require information did not cease at the time of charge then it did not cease at all ( save in cases where the charge was not pursued ) until the investigation came to an end on the conviction or acquittal of the person charged .
10 The head went on to explain that the school 's job was to understand each child 's problem .
11 Having argued that criticism of the trade surplus in Washington is misconceived , MITI 's forthcoming paper goes on to predict that the surplus will , of its own accord , gradually diminish in size and relevance :
12 The woman went on to say that the social worker had written down what her husband had told her to because she was frightened of him , and because she was a young nit-wit from college no more capable of understanding the wily ways of men like her husband than she could fly .
13 [ The Board went on to hold that the contract was not voidable for economic duress — see below , pp. 237 , 64 ( 652 and Atiyah ( 1982 ) 98 L.Q.R. 197 and ( 1983 ) 99 L.Q.R. 353 and Tiplady ( 1983 ) 99 L.Q.R. 188 . ]
14 This report goes on to say that the attacks each took place at about midnight and were twenty days apart .
15 Microprocessor Report goes on to say that the clock-rate versus complexity tradeoff is one of the most important issues in superscalar design , but admits that straight clock-rate comparisons of parts is only partially fair because whilst it is true that ‘ a more complex design , such as used in SuperSparc and the 88110 , leaves less time for performance tuning the hardware , it is also the case that clock-rate was a major focus during the design of 21064 and 7100 chips . ’
16 The report goes on to claim that the people could only be taught " thrift and prudence " by men who would actually associate with them , thereby ensuring that the influence of " the imperishable youth of Oxford " would " induce them to face the elementary laws of economics . "
17 The paragraph goes on to hint that the report is in sympathy with calls for development in ‘ social lending ’ rather than commercial lending at this level .
18 The tenth-century Arab document goes on to assert that the sect from whom the Nazarean text issued is still in existence , and is regarded as an elite amongst Christians .
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