Example sentences of "[noun sg] say to [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
2 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
3 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
4 It might be that a friend says to the young man who is thinking of living in Bali ‘ You do n't really believe that nonsense , you 're playing at being Gauguin' .
5 ‘ Why here we are all mustarded ’ , as the roast beef said to the Welsh rabbit ’ ; ‘ ‘ Off with a whisk ’ , as the butcher said to the flies ’ ; ‘ ‘ When a man is ashamed to show the front of his face let him turn round and show the back of it ’ , as the turnstile said to the weather-cock . ’
6 What a thing to say to a complete stranger !
7 As to ‘ a big one ’ , dear , what a thing to say to an ageing queen !
8 ‘ I 'm terribly sorry , ’ the driver said to the old lady .
9 ‘ Beware , ’ Biff Tundrish said to a glowing Lexandro .
10 ‘ I 've been very pleased to meet you , ’ Mother said to the old gentleman , when it was time for him to leave .
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