Example sentences of "[noun sg] will [adv] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 Most importantly , your input will be quickly recognised and rewarded , and the variety and size of the project workload will ultimately prepare you for full management responsibility .
2 He says , ‘ The superintendent wo n't recommend me for being a policeman . ’
3 I , the committee , and Hochhauser will probably sue you for refusing to go on , thereby breaking your contract ! ’
4 John Hall wo n't thank me for saying this but the MetroCentre falls into this category .
5 Movements in foreign exchange rates will affect the sterling value of the principal deposited or borrowed and your finance director will not thank you for saving £50,000 by earning interest at 1 1/2 % above UK rates if you lose £1m when the foreign currency is reconverted to sterling .
6 Touche Ross , the best young talent in Scotland at the moment , will start favourites , but with the league championship basically now a dream as far as Grange are concerned , this clash will undoubtedly lift them for what promises to be their most important game of the season .
7 We 've got out back , it 's all sheltered , next door 's got more for years to put them down the front , my wife wo n't let me for the same reason she says if you blind yourself then any bugger can come in .
8 The tribunal will generally compensate you for lost fringe benefits , although putting a figure upon them is often another exercise in guesstimation .
9 Why is it that those countries can accept basic , decent minimum standards for their people whereas this Government will not accept them for the British people ?
10 On the other hand a Kachin will always take it for granted that anyone whom he is prepared to classify as a Jinghpaw is a kinsman of some sort .
11 Right , what what we 'll do is I mean we can confuse the Chow test looking at the residual sum of squares er from each of these sums as the regressions on sub samples , comparing them with the residual sum of squares on a regressionary of the whole sample and the computer will actually do it for us .
12 My course will eventually qualify me for a good career but meanwhile I 'm struggling on an allowance .
13 . If I take the same example , waiver of premium , erm , and I 'm relating to knowledge that I will have got through the plan your future document , if I use Andrew again if I may , if I say to you , Andrew , erm , you explained earlier that erm , if you 're off work through ill-health , your employer will actually pay you for six months , and then it stops .
14 Mind you , if you ca n't do it the weather will automatically do it for you , unless you plan to take a pneumatic drill into the garden with you in December .
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