Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [vb past] to [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Auditors checking Department of Energy accounts have discovered that the ministry wrote off £9.54 million spent on research which had to be cancelled following nuclear research cuts and plans for electricity privatisation .
2 Aromatic bathing and massage became a nightly ritual which had to be carried out before Owen would go to bed .
3 Israeli officials estimated that this figure would increase dramatically in 1990 , an appraisal which appeared to be based partly on persistent reports of a threat from anti-Semitic groups to the safety of Jews in the Soviet Union .
4 Although there was almost unanimous praise of Eliot 's poetic or sheerly musical abilities ( which in any case had their roots deep in his American experience ) , there was a certain distrust of the religious sensibility which seemed to be expressed in the sequence .
5 There it is maintained that , despite a decade of public discussion on the curriculum and the existence of widespread agreement on its main features , there were significant variations in practice which needed to be eliminated in the interests of equipping all young people ‘ with the knowledge , skills and understandings that they need for adult life and employment ’ .
6 Lindsey found herself shaking hands with a tall , fair-haired young man and wondered if she had imagined the tension which seemed to be sparking between the two .
7 Keynes and the economists in the Cabinet Office worked on estimating the size of the gap which remained to be closed , and the 1941 budget incorporated their approach .
8 They were then invited to a Departmental meeting , also attended by Access Unit staff , to discuss the report and any action which needed to be taken .
9 But not to have mentioned the subject at all , to leave a void which demanded to be filled — that , it seemed to me , would have been Hamlet without the prince ( or , more accurately , Queen Mother ) .
10 There was , however , one perfectly clear and simple condition which had to be fulfilled if any rational deduction was to be drawn as to the effect of abolition .
11 The same subjects who showed an advantage for the right ear with pairs of digits showed a significant superiority for the left ear when the stimuli consisted of snatches of melody which had to be identified by means of a multiple-choice response method .
12 A girl in her late twenties , a fat girl with a mop of hair which refused to be confined within her hat .
13 Strictly business it might be , but even in the tightest schedule there were small gaps — moments that could foster an ongoing intimacy or become fraught with an antagonism which seemed to be growing between them .
14 Salina arrived at the clinic with a grossly swollen foot which had to be lanced on the spot .
15 Desiring Vitor was a pitfall which had to be avoided .
16 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
17 In early October , as Mrs Thatcher — flanked by her Cabinet — received a nine-minute standing ovation at the close of a successful party conference , few expected any challenge to her in the leadership election which had to be held within 28 days of the start of the new parliamentary session , due to open on 7 November .
18 Two days earlier his puissance horse , Leonardo , had cracked a bone in his off-fore fetlock which had to be put in plaster .
19 In those circumstances , the judge held that the provisions in the legislation of 1985 did not apply in the present case which continued to be governed by the Act of 1957 .
20 At the other they were an opportunity , perhaps the only opportunity , of breaking with institutions and attitudes which had led to disaster ; an opportunity which had to be grasped because such radical change could only be imposed from outside .
21 He was aware of the controversial scene which had to be cut from the trailer and laughed at the problems it caused in the UK .
22 In the event the money was nothing like enough because the new owners were able to force Ayling to pay for structural work which needed to be carried out to the upper part .
23 Prof Turner said it was an issue which had to be faced if the system was going to protect children .
24 Alan 's ideas were so good that the Creative Director could n't believe they were his and set him a difficult test which had to be carried out in the agency .
25 Pop was no longer a community of youth as it had been in the sixties , nor a means of changing society , but a meaningless marketing exercise which deserved to be exposed for the charade that it was .
26 They were both Swiss , both Reformed ( i.e. Calvinist ) , both theologians rather than historians or biblical specialists , and both men of immense intellectual power and energy , capable of ranging far and wide over the whole spread of Christian thought in search of the resources and materials to fashion the theology which had to be reconstructed .
27 But the question which began to be asked more often after 1962 than before was : were the costs worth it ?
28 The question which had to be decided was ‘ whether we in England gain more through stimulating and rewarding the energy of the vigorous few by our voluntary system … than is lost through our failure to raise the general average of trained and disciplined efficiency by means of compulsory attendance for all ’ .
29 Given the miles of corridor which had to be traversed , this essential commodity left the kitchens boiling but often arrived either tepid or cold .
30 For the first time Isabel wondered if those airs had been caused by the same stupid helplessness which seemed to be gripping her .
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