Example sentences of "[noun sg] which [verb] [adv] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was a form of association which had not been unremarked by several of the socially better placed .
2 The ring which had originally been twenty feet across was now little wider than seven or eight feet ; the squatters were now standing and getting in everyone else 's view .
3 Practices of keeping donor insemination secret from all others , and of keeping the child in ignorance of his/her means of conception which have traditionally been implicit in the provision of donor insemination are now in a state of flux .
4 By the 1890s , however , it seems that the wave of public-school interest in clubs had passed , and there developed ‘ an intensification of the snobbery which had always been latent in them , and of the mere athleticism which caricatured the mens sana in corpore sano tag ’ .
5 After an announcement of a firm intention to make an offer has been made the offeror must , except with the consent of the Panel , proceed with the posting of the offer document ( which must occur within 28 days ) unless the posting is subject to a specific pre-condition which has not been satisfied ( Rules 2.7 and 30.1 ) .
6 It is widely assumed that ‘ real ’ country people are in favour of development as a source of new jobs and housing while the rich commuter is only concerned to protect his equity and a style of living which has never been available to the locals .
7 The postcode to Enumeration District directory and the digitised boundary data enable it to be mapped and compared with data compiled on a different geographical basis , an aid which has not been available for censuses prior to 1981 .
8 Sally-Anne reached the gates and walked up to the rectory , an eighteenth-century building which had once been beautiful , but like the area around it had gone to seed badly , although Dr Neil had told her that it was elegant , if shabby inside .
9 The contribution made by his analysis is that he seeks to provide a logical answer to the question which had previously been unsolved : what matters are collateral or preliminary ?
10 He brings to football a dimension which has n't been present since the days of the great wingers .
11 Ownership has sometimes been transferred into local hands ( private or state ) while the original owners have continued as managers on a financial basis which has frequently been unrelated to their performance .
12 One process which has certainly been important is geographical isolation .
13 The result was that they received both a big two-year increase and a pay review body which has since been responsible for a further substantial increase in their salaries .
14 The matter was referred to Jockey Club headquarters in London to enable the stewards to see a video recording of the Ayr race which had not been available at Carlisle .
15 Little is said about workers ' consciousness ( awareness and interpretation of their situation ) , or the social and political impulses towards joining the labour movement which have undoubtedly been important in Western Europe .
16 Most of this amount was in fact credits hitherto allocated to the former Soviet Union which had now been unblocked .
17 Latvia , in common with other former republics of the now defunct Soviet Union , is looking to the West not only for help but ideas as it tries to rebuild its shattered economy and create a better way of life in a society which has not been used to making decisions for itself .
18 Here again Suger was reasserting royal supremacy in a world which had long been deaf to such claims .
19 jack Carey , who was an explorer as well as a student of Oriental languages , had promised to take them to the most remote corners of the earth some day , and they had often pictured themselves camping in the silent desert , or following some ancient track to a ruined city which had once been great .
20 The inspiration for the experiment was the German Jugendherbergen accommodation which had long been popular with English trampers and cyclists .
21 Thus in an extraordinary manner the physical manifestation of a woman 's fertility which had always been welcome and extolled in ancient and traditional Hindu society , where even mother earth was conceived to be menstruating in the beginning of the rainy season , came to be associated with a sin.s
22 It was as if he were memorizing her life so he could sail to New York , adopt a different accent , and claim to be a long lost relative due a piece of her fortune which had n't been considerable and might all be gone now .
23 The class of people for whom this may have been of paramount importance was not the traditional aristocracy which had never been involved in work , having merely inherited their estates , but those termed the nouveaux riches , the use of which term implies a much more direct involvement in the work process as the basis for capital accumulation .
24 It applied only prospectively and did not have the effect of rendering unlawful conduct which had previously been lawful .
25 But yet there 's no doubt at all that despite the technical shortcomings of his work in subsequent judgement , erm Russell by this work became , I suppose , the main founder of modern logic , the main founder of this kind of logic which by the much more sophisticated symbolic apparatus erm is able to panelize a much wider range of logical phenomena , and hence to reveal the structure in a way which had not been possible before .
26 Unfortunately , we were unable to contribute to a resolution of these problems without moving away from the non-participant minority shareholding which has always been central to our involvement in Bank of Edinburgh . ’
27 The writers view the evidence in terms of an early medieval building tradition which has not been apparent until recently because of the variable quality of the surviving evidence .
28 He had clipped up his shirtsleeves with steel bracelets above the elbow and was swathed in a coarse apron which had once been white and which covered him from the knot of his tie to his ankles .
29 In other words , more people are surviving to 60 , and enjoying the kind of lifespan which has never been all that rare , but which is now much more common , simply because so few humans die at or just after birth , in the first five years of life , and so on .
30 The military authorities in Baku moved against the Azerbaijan Popular Front on Jan. 24 , arresting 43 leading members and raiding the offices of the National Defence Council , a radical group allied to the Front which had allegedly been responsible for co-ordinating arms supplies to Azerbaijani militants .
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