Example sentences of "[noun sg] if [pron] [vb base] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He packs his girlfriend in then went with Jane , but he was still going out with a girlfriend if you know what I mean .
2 you know that 's against me as well so erm so that that in itself has put a doubt in my mind if you know what I mean .
3 Well it 's just that I may be totally wrong but I just read it first when you read it first it 's like its prey in the light if you see what I mean .
4 There was there was no doors to the bedroom if you know what I mean .
5 If journalists are going to like you , they will make their minds up quickly and it is a positive advantage if they like what they hear , but have n't got enough .
6 the way he spoke , maybe that his part and not he was that , think he 's a took over the part if you know what I mean ?
7 not as much but it sort of come out like that and then you sit your flowers it makes that a shell if you know what I mean ?
8 If the requirements are modest er modest requirements with modest standards , it 's still a quality job if we achieve what we said we 're going to do .
9 Okay , it 's delegation , but it 's not erm , the sort of like , a responsible job if you see what I mean , it 's a job that they 're employed to do anyway , but it 's not a separate sort of task .
10 I mean I suppose there is in all social work in a sense , that if you go in to look at a family and , and you 're trying to assess you know whether the children should be taken into care , well you 're exercising a a sort of statutory erm er sort of responsibility , and as far as the clients are concerned , er if you , like that can sort of get in the way of er er a more human sort of relationship if you see what I mean , because
11 ‘ We have the equipment to cope with these sort of things and there 's no mystique if you know what you 're doing , ’ said a spokesman .
12 Do n't spread it like putty you know , but , quite a lot I like to be able to taste it where Christine just likes the flavour if you know what I mean .
13 He 'll eat shit on bloody shovel if you give it him !
14 And then Simo 's got the equaliser , and I think Simo 's got two in two goals two goals in two games now , yes , very pleased with the overall performance and overall at the end of the day , not overall performance if you know what I mean .
15 Whimsy and sentimental , but you see I 'm … well , sentimental plus if you understand what I mean …
16 But my mother was n't the type that would lay in bed if you know what I mean .
17 We can draw anything in the world if we know what it looks like , but only when drawing a human being can we truly say we know what it feels like .
18 We can draw anything in the world if we know what it looks like , but only when drawing a human being can we truly say we know what it feels like .
19 It 's all about understanding if you understand something you can like it .
20 specification if we know what it 's meant
21 Now all I can think of doing is pushing it , you can push the turner things into chips then you 've only got to chop them one way if you see what I mean , like erm , well is it worth these doing anything else ?
22 But helping our spread if you know what I mean .
23 He 's not a bad sort , for a brother if you know what I mean ’
24 By everyone , see you some other time if you know what I mean .
25 ‘ This time if you leave me I ca n't … ’
26 I 'm interested to see what it 's gon na do for a hot wax if you see what I mean ?
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