Example sentences of "[noun sg] can be [vb pp] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 This element of a training programme can be based round all manner of video materials which present aspects of that culture .
2 This chapter can be skipped by all except readers with a fetish for library standards .
3 The progressive de-stationization of the terminal can be seen in all the eagerly hailed landmarks of twentieth-century station-building : Florence ( 1936 ) , Finland Tampere ( 1933 ) , and pre-eminently the Stazioni Termini in Rome , completed in 1951 and proclaimed by Meeks ‘ the finest modern station to date ’ and by Pevsner ‘ the best European station of the last half century ’ .
4 This small characin can be seen in all dealers ' tanks , their fluorescence guaranteed to catch the eye of fishkeepers .
5 Incisor loss can be considered for all rodents regardless of taxonomic group , but there are differences in molar loss between voles , lemmings and some cricetids ( Otomyinae ) which often have unrooted teeth , and murids and other cricetids , which have rooted teeth .
6 Transitional work can be seen in all these countries , with parts of a building in one style and other parts in newer forms .
7 A decreasing reliance on the inflation tax can be discerned in all four countries .
8 The same point can be made about all the adjectives in ( 33 ) , e.g. former : ( 36 ) the former king is in prison till next June
9 Where feasible , activity in one part of the system should be so organized as to have an effect in other parts ( for instance , the results of stock revision at one service point can be used in all others ) .
10 The splendour of the Georgian ballroom in the Assembly Room can be experienced by all taking part in the tea dance .
11 A family likeness can be seen among all the boys , every face dominated by a long curved nose .
12 A L.C tincture can be applied to all sorts of stings and bites .
13 The round pencil can be used for all subjects ; whilst the flat pencil can be used for broad strokes and the finest lines , when worn to a chisel edge .
14 I make my own purse nets but some of good quality can be bought from all well-stocked gunshops .
15 The discussion has centred on the two-phase hybrid motor , but electromagnetic damping can be produced in all types of motor provided more than one phase is excited when the rotor is settling to the equilibrium position .
16 What must never be forgotten is that the meaning of the word ‘ god ’ shall be such that its definition can be accepted by all the leading and reasonable people of all races , taught to all children , and be so firmly entrenched within the powers of reason and logic that it becomes inviolable .
17 The Lord Chancellor says that Green Form advice can be abolished for all those above the income support level because the average Green Form bill — £82 — is not too much to afford .
18 All radical groups have such an aim and the method of variation can be found in all who reflect upon the world ; it is certainly central to Powell 's method .
19 The tradition stems from long familiarity of the conductor and singers with the opera in hand and with each other 's performance , so that a unified approach can be felt on all sides .
20 The Italian thinks that if he can ever sing Puccini the climax of his life has been reached ; but even so , with all the omissions that can be charged against Italy — such that as a musical country she ceased to exist after the seventeenth century and has certainly reached deliquescence with Messrs Malpiero , Pratella and Co — she even now does produce from time to time singers who are not merely singers but great artists , as Battistini who , at over 60 , is an example for those who can take it of the extent to which a voice can be preserved in all its beauty when it is used as a musical instrument and not as a fog siren or a pair of nutcrackers . ’
21 A quick scan of the above mentioned issues shows that Tennis World can be vindicated from all blame .
22 Chemical structure determines also , of course , the chemical properties of the polymer such as solubility , reactivity , the optical and electrical properties and , most basic of all , whether the polymer can be made at all from the small molecules which constitute the monomer .
23 Available from April 5 at most bookshops the book can be ordered through all .
24 The book can be used with all age-groups , from small children to teenagers and adults , and includes all types of music from traditional , folk , and classical to jazz , rock , and pop .
25 Involuntary unemployment can be defined as all those persons who are not in paid employment , but are actually seeking jobs at the prevailing rate of real wages .
26 This information can be obtained from all the lock-sets .
27 As with all aspects of the Advanced Courses Development Programme , SCOTVEC welcomes suggestions for the improvement of the catalogue and hopes that feedback from centres will help to determine the most useful way in which the necessary information can be provided for all users in the future .
28 Only when your approach to good health can be adapted to all your own requirements ( and your family 's requirements too if this is relevant ) , will you really succeed in attaining your goals .
29 If an affirmative answer can be given to all , this is your case .
30 This type of care can be extended to all areas of human illness and suffering .
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