Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be [vb pp] to [num] " in BNC.

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1 Another industry chief reiterating his position at Geneva was Fiat SpA chairman Gianni Agnelli , who said that Japanese penetration would be limited to 15 to 18 per cent for a transitional period , and after that all restrictions should be dropped .
2 The plantations would be open to foreign acquisition but overall foreign ownership would be limited to 30 or 40 per cent .
3 Under this proposal the preregistration period would be extended to two years with first and second year house officers working in pairs , sharing the on call commitment , and providing cover for each other to attend specially structured education programmes .
4 To put the level of risk in perspective , one study concluded that anyone standing all day at a busy roadside with traffic containing 20 per cent diesel would be exposed to 1,000 times less benzo(a)pyrene than somebody smoking 10 to 15 cigarettes a day .
5 Under the new system , the Assembly would be increased to 108 deputies ; of the nine new seats for Moslems , three were for Shias and two each for Sunnis , Alawis and Druses .
6 The punishment for this crime was to be docked his best wave , so his tally would be reduced to three against the other surfers ' four .
7 By 1989 , in the so-called Summer plan , the Sarney government was still trying to control prices with a promise that inflation would be kept to 28 per cent/month .
8 As a result of this and other lobbying , the Criminal Justice Act 1988 proclaimed that jury service would be extended to 70 , but as we suggested , those between 65 and 70 may decline , if they wish .
9 Ferenc Karpathi , then Defence Minister , announced on March 29 that national service would be reduced to 12 months from August and that soldiers would no longer have to carry out other types of service such as agricultural work .
10 Panmure 's constituent left the member of parliament in no doubt about his expectation that the appointment would be transferred to one of his own friends , and in fact it was very difficult for a politician to evade such requests without disobliging a voter .
11 In a belated attempt at conciliation , the Japanese Government announced in mid September that the drift-net fleet in the Tasman Sea for the 1989–90 season would be reduced to 20 vessels , in the hope that the South Pacific nations could be diverted from their diplomatic assault .
12 Microprocessors for real-time control applications ( e.g. Motorola 6800 , Intel 8080 ) have instruction cycle times of 1 — 2 us and therefore a software.based closed.loop control would be limited to 25–50 instructions per motor step at high speeds , which would restrict control to simple functions , such as step timing , step counting and phase sequencing .
13 The bank would give him facilities to purchase the business to the extent of seventy five thousand pounds if he agreed to sell his property at and from the proceeds of sale to repay the bridging facility in its entirety and they would provide a sixteen thousand pounds business loan and overdraught facilities to be reduced by five thousand pounds within a few days and if the six thousand pounds rent deposit was not required then the business loan would be reduced to ten thousand pounds .
14 Under the terms of the IMF loan , the fiscal deficit would be kept to 3.2 per cent of gross domestic product , but public investment would be allowed to rise , with priority given to education , health , water and sanitation , as well as infrastructure and research and development .
15 The sentence would be reduced to two years , with the balance of the sentence remaining to be served suspended ( the appellant having served six months ) .
16 The solution proposed was a two-tier system by which government appointed peers would have the right to vote , hereditary peers being allowed to speak but not vote while the delaying powers on legislation would be cut to six months .
17 The number would be reduced to thirty .
18 Current emissions of 500,000 tonnes a year would be cut to 73,000 tonnes once a modernization programme costing US$900,000,000 , funded in part by Finland , Norway and Sweden , had been carried out .
19 Announced in 1988 , the programme had originally envisaged that FGD technology would be fitted to six power stations .
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