Example sentences of "[noun sg] she have [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 THAT night Maggie had a dream she had not had for over two years and woke up sweating and anxious , her own cries still ringing in her mind .
2 That meant that as well as the cheque she had just written for her first month 's rent on her new accommodation , she would have to find three months ' mortgage from somewhere .
3 From under her huge hat and the light grey veil she had thoughtfully donned for the occasion Jane Postlethwaite regarded them steadily .
4 A sensation she had not felt for months — of muted excitement and expectation — went through her .
5 She turned to the door , almost shivering with nerves as she heard the rapid flow of French from the hall and knew that now she was about to meet the woman she had unconsciously hated for the whole of her life .
6 Sadly for Kylie though , whether or not she got the most important role she had yet auditioned for did not depend on a man already convinced of her potential .
7 She saw a haunted house , a superstition she had perhaps used for her own account , and he saw something more human , a complex web of relationships , interlocking and interacting in a way he could not yet fathom , and in which people got caught up and destroyed .
8 And it probably was stupid — if not downright ridiculous — for her to be still technically married to a man she had n't seen for almost five years .
9 ‘ What do you think you 're doing … ? she gasped , still feeling shocked and disorientated by the sudden , totally unexpected appearance of the man she had n't seen for so many years .
10 She had always been the sensible , down-to-earth twin , yet here she was , going away with a man she had only known for two days .
11 The kind of music she had not heard for a long time .
12 He smiled at her , but the concern she 'd once felt for him had wholly dissipated .
13 At last , here was the explanation she had secretly longed for , the proof that he was not the ruthless , uncaring employer , after all .
14 First time in a year she has n't waited for Jo so they can do their shopping together .
15 Although they discovered they had hardly a single taste in common , he was nonetheless a witty and amusing host and she found herself laughing in a way she had not done for a considerable time .
16 Naked , she walked into the bathroom and there surveyed herself in a way she had not done for some years .
17 It was the first time she had actually said for certain that she would sail with me and I could not hide my joy , and Ellen , seeing that pleasure , laughed at it .
18 For five years she had worked at the Ashmolean before moving across the street to The Randolph ; and for the latter part of that time she had actually worked for Dr Kemp , amongst others .
19 It scared her , but as she glanced secretly across at the face she had never forgotten for one moment she realised she was more excited than scared .
20 No doubt Vitor 's amusement was inspired by the revealing view she had unwittingly provided for him , Ashley thought , rattled .
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