Example sentences of "[noun sg] she have [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was wearing the huge red skirt she had made out of some curtains someone had sent to the jumble , and a black polo-necked jersey , and she had tied her hair up with the Indian scarf Luke had given her for Christmas .
2 Snatching an old raincoat from the hallstand she had plunged out into the rain .
3 After tea she had to ride out on Midnight , which she could work in with going up to Uncle Knacker 's to see the new horses .
4 Wendy betrayed by Rhoda 's desire for Ken : betrayed by the author of her own being : no wonder she had faded out of the world so quietly and gently and quickly , as if understanding it were better she had never been born .
5 Hard to credit that he had once fathered a daughter — and a beautiful girl she had turned out to be — like her granny …
6 I was going to say , I wo n't mention her name in case she 's run out of .
7 The Red Queen role was the same part she had to pull out of 18 months ago because of ill health .
8 It hardly seemed fair to keep them in the cage she had made out of an old claret case she had dragged up from the cellar .
9 Before the war she had gone out with those fishers and watched them spear their quarry by torchlight in the early hours of the morning .
10 The morning she had slammed out of the house and walked through the blitzed London streets to Goddy 's office she had been out of her mind ; shell-shocked , or something .
11 After all the signals of rejection she 'd sent out at the apartment — despite Marlin , despite the dangerous streets , despite the hour , despite their bitter history — she 'd come , bearing the gift of her body to his bed .
12 She was exhausted ; more so because of the alarmed way she had sprung out of reach whenever Guy had become restless , than from the number of times she had sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever .
13 No doubt she had missed out on the ‘ crossings ’ !
14 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
15 That he 'd noticed she 'd got a decent figure was to be expected , she supposed , seeing that the lace cotton blouse and culottes she had worn that time she 'd gone out to dinner with Travis had touched her contours comfortably .
16 She was thought to haunt the Dane Hills of Leicestershire in England , and to live in a cave she had dug out of the rock with her own hands .
17 Madeleine was sitting at the red and black wicker table in the little conservatory at the back of the house , pinning a paper pattern on to the green and blue paisley material she had spread out in front of her .
18 Her surprise stemmed from the fact she had walked out on him two years earlier , sworn her friends to secrecy and moved hundreds of miles to make a new life for herself .
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