Example sentences of "[noun sg] as she have [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then , knowing that she was safely tucked up in her own bed , she would go through the mental exercise as she had done under hypnosis and imagine herself entering that cupboard under the stairs .
2 She had seen that instantly the next afternoon ; in Rachel 's eyes she recognised the same melting joy as she had seen in Lisa 's .
3 She would just have to cling to her professional integrity as she had done for fifty years , and she would , as she had always tried to , make that sufficient .
4 The question circling her head as she 'd climbed aboard the BA 747 that morning was why on earth had she let herself be talked into this ?
5 The taxi ride from the airport to the little village where she was staying , only six kilometres from Nice , had been uncomfortable because the air-conditioning in the car had broken down three days before her arrival and was waiting to be repaired , and all in all her last vestiges of good humour had finally bitten the dust as she 'd stood in front of the house and realised that it had n't finished being built .
6 From time to time she suffered from bouts of depression as she had done for many years .
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