Example sentences of "[noun sg] as i [vb past] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My only emotion as I went back into the box was cold rage .
2 Then I ate the sandwich as I walked back to Wavebreaker .
3 Most of the people I went with took mountain bikes and they envied me the Pioneer as I sped along with far less effort that they had to use .
4 I felt very much the wallflower as I crept out of the room without speaking to anyone , my books held tightly against my chest in a way which , I was to learn , was feminine and wrong for a man .
5 Taff was in a foul mood as I jumped down into the trench .
6 The German mortars were exploding on the other side of the wood as I clambered out of the trench and made my way through the trees in the direction of the road .
7 But my screwed up face of determination soon turned to one of exhilaration and delight as I paraded around with people oohhing and aahhing at me .
8 But none of this disturbed my mind or my body as I looked across at the girl in the coffee bar .
9 Gunga drove off over the bridge as I looked around for a suitable spot to get some practice in .
10 This was not how I had imagined the conquering of my childhood dream peak , and I was muttering and tutting under my breath as I clambered up towards them .
11 This , sadly was my last foray for the month as I went down with an attack of bronchitis soon after this expedition , and form which I have not fully recovered .
12 That was once a week the bread , we used to have to collect the bread from Road , there was a small office at the side of the Infirmary I believe it was Mr or something like that , but we used to have to go to this office in Road and collect this four pound loaf every Wednesday and you did n't get another issue you had it all at once , so we had four four pound loaves , so we did n't know what new bread was after the first day , I 've never ate so much bread pudding in my life as I did then with a and er
13 Vern actually looked up from his last bite of bread roll as I came back in .
14 They were nowhere in sight as I went through to the dining car , and Filmer seemed to have gone straight to his room , as there was a thread of light shining along the bottom of his door ; but Daffodil , I discovered , had after all not .
15 I glimpsed Auntie sitting on the bottom stair as I flew past above her head .
16 snarled this sharp-faced old fellow as I stepped out of the kiosk .
17 Danielle was all smiles in the arms of her beloved nanny and much to my distress did not have the good grace to shed a single tear as I walked out of the door and out of her life … for a whole day .
18 And I began to discover some recent local history as I delved deeper into this pit of hell .
19 Philip implicitly dismisses the value of his own reflections on the ugliness of modern London with off-hand self-ironizing comments which imply that he too is a product of the intellectual dissipation he criticizes : ‘ Life , I said with startling originality as I stepped out of the bus in my mackintosh , is like that ’ ( 307 ) .
20 They told me they were on holiday today and shyly peeped round great blocks of stone as I climbed on to the hitching post of the sun , the most sacred place in the temple .
21 Perhaps my problem is the way I perceived the first news of the crumbling of the old Europe ; sitting in hospital and festooned in drip feeds and stoned out of my mind on pethidine as I came round from an anaesthetic , I muzzily watched the news on the TV in the corner of my room and truly believed I was hallucinating as I saw kitchen choppers taking down the Berlin Wall ; after such a beginning to the thaw , how can I believe that as well as East Germany 's arrival in the West , Czechoslovakia is almost herself again .
22 He thinks he can play spoof , but I usually come out of the pub legless with as much money as I went in with .
23 He describes his other grandmother as ‘ a wee frail woman ’ in a mob cap , smoking a long clay pipe and ‘ stroking my hair as I lay down at her feet with my head in her lap ’ , while her railwayman husband also ‘ had a great liking for me , and when he could spring to a halfpenny or an apple or some nuts for ‘ whiteheaded Benny ’ , he did it , Once he gave me a shining white metal watchguard ’ , a symbol of work efficiency which he wore proudly to school , ‘ swanking ’ with it hung across my chest . ’
24 Bessie kissed me for the last time as I held tightly to her .
25 The sugar was only fifty nine in the market as I came past at Charlie 's you know , I thought well I 'll get some of that and I got those jumbo eggs there , only a pound a dozen big ones , you know You done ?
26 I could n't wait to be issued with a uniform as I stood out in my civilian clothes , which were much nicer than anybody else 's .
27 I got an elbow in the face as I went up for a header and I remember putting my head down and running straight into Bull 's back .
28 I felt a lump in my throat as I looked down at the first grave , the Balmoral on the cross was torn at the front as if a piece of shrapnel had smashed its way through the badge and into the soldier 's head .
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