Example sentences of "[noun sg] as i [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
2 I felt like a jaded casting director as I banished him to the wastepaper bin .
3 We wotchered each other as I led him across the road .
4 So down at squadron level we had this very much in our minds when in time the orders came down through Group , through station , right to the people who had to do the carting and the bombing , I feel I should explain right at the outset that I can only view at the later stages of the war the state of morale as I saw it in the entire Pathfinder Force .
5 I I will talk about the fund as I found it in my capacity as a very recent chairman .
6 It is worlds apart from school as I knew it in the 1960s .
7 His brow was moist with perspiration as I reminded him of the broadcast .
8 I was acting out the role of the good , courageous patient as I saw it at the time , while Mr Lennox was no doubt pleased to find me co-operative , free from despair and above all , unemotional .
9 I felt the jolt in his chest as I hugged it in rhythm against mine and for a long second could n't believe it , but then he heaved again in my arms and coughed in my face and a mouthful of dirty water shot out in a spout and he began coughing in earnest and choking and gasping for air … gasping , gulping air down , wheezing in his throat , whooping like whooping cough , struggling to fill his functioning lungs .
10 " I want to please you and you 're not a bit as I expected you to be . "
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