Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [vb past] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the far side they came to the Sierra de Quareca , hills which , though not particularly high , did give the party — many of them clad in heavy metal cuirasses and leg-armour — some relief from the steamy , insect-ridden heat of the lowlands .
2 In the aft compartment they went through the routine exercise of listening to the remaining six missiles and found what they had expected , nothing .
3 After he had made a pot of tea they sat near the range and surveyed each other .
4 Rob Phone , Mr and Mrs National Holidays , and the journalist they met on the train have all gone their separate ways now , but perhaps a little enriched , a little relaxed , by a modicum of light , meaningless conversation .
5 Based on Kodak 's experience , one should expect that 40% to 60% of ideas should be lost during the first two stages , with the idea originators having screened themselves out of the process as a consequence of the feedback they received through the review process .
6 He became enormously interested in these papers and the effect they had at a time when many people thought Britain was on the brink of popular revolution .
7 Towards nightfall they came upon a pair of small caves , which Miss Fergusson compared to the pressing of God 's thumb into the mountainside .
8 She had expected to return home with full payment for the shoes she 'd made , but it seemed the theatre people were not too quick in settling bills , a practice they shared with the gentry .
9 From trees and undergrowth they fired at the victors again and again , as they swarmed over the wall in twos and threes , then in dozens and scores , and finally in hundreds .
10 ‘ You would n't believe how many of our employees told me what a good deal they got on a car or a boat because they adopted Karrass ' strategies ’ says an executive of a major oil company .
11 ‘ The deal they escaped by the skin of their teeth was SMS , ’ Forster says .
12 The key they found under the floor-mat in the car , or wherever .
13 In the winter they kept to the roads or , if the earth were hard with frost , they might play on Thrush Green with a bat and ball in view of Paul 's home .
14 Living five hundred years before Christ , when there was not much in the way of religious encounter between the Middle East and the Further East , their spiritual greatness and the influence they exerted on the people of their own area and era , raised questions in the mind of any would-be missionary .
15 Former US President Jimmy Carter , one of a team of several hundred international observers , described the electoral process as " free and honest " , and congratulated the armed forces " for the remarkable work they performed during the elections " .
16 He fished the cubes out and put them into an ashtray and found it all he could do not to weep at the mess they made with the ash .
17 They fetched a lightly padded patchwork quilt from the Centaur Room , a pink candlewick from the Room Without a Name , two of white cotton from the Room of Astonishment and a counterpane of heavy yellow satin they found in a cupboard in the Pincushion Room .
18 Peace was somewhat lacking under Æthelred II , and when his ecclesiastics too sought rectification they acted in an English as well as a continental tradition .
19 It has been the deliberate policy of the Supplement to give these the prominence they lacked during the period when the OED was being edited .
20 Maybe there was a draught from the window they smashed at the back of the house .
21 One study of day-release trade union students found that the most important benefit they identified from the courses was not simply enhanced skills and smoother communications with management , but a general gain in confidence ; judged by the ‘ needs-meeting ’ paradigm , it was an overwhelming success .
22 An application by the defendants to the High Court in 1990 to discharge the order on the ground that the benefit they obtained from the publication of the book was not a benefit within the meaning of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 was unsuccessful .
23 He asked his Chairman for a private chat they retired to the gents and Gould who had no contract said he was finished .
24 So although those carers in the action sample were grateful for the help they received from the Home Support Project ( and almost without exception carers throughout the action samples expressed the same sentiment ) , there is scant evidence that it contributed to allaying feelings of strain .
25 Detectives praised the help they received from the public , saying the artist 's impression of Katherine 's attacker helped greatly to bring about a conviction .
26 The Quakers , in particular , had obvious reasons for continuing to support James , for the toleration they enjoyed towards the end of his reign was far more extensive than that allowed under the Toleration Act of 1689 .
27 And they presented him with video equipment they bought for a children 's charity .
28 It was too late to do any worthwhile damage and with some regret they came to the conclusion that it was best not to place any bombs .
29 Malcolm Crosby 's men will be trying to make their survival mathematically certain against Swindon tonight , and if they can produce the gritty determination they showed at the Goldstone Ground and eradicate silly defensive errors any lingering doubts should soon be over .
30 It 's like the little Japanese girl they found in the ruins of Hiroshima .
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