Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Obviously , single-syllable words present no problems — if they are pronounced in isolation they are said with primary stress .
2 During experiment they were placed in modified Bollman type cages to maintain the minimum restraint necessary .
3 Clerical subventions to Edward I did not end here , but in future they were to issue from papal taxation .
4 Two people were taken to hospital with cuts and facial bruises after the car they were travelling in smashed into a road sign on the A1 western bypass at Lobley Hill , Gateshead , yesterday .
5 Fifty three women were on a WI outing to Denman College at Abingdon in Oxfordshire when the coach they were travelling in crashed into the back of a truck .
6 As justices of the peace they were burdened by central government with a growing number of responsibilities ; the more prosperous also intruded into the market towns , maintaining houses in Chichester or Lewes as well as the lesser centres , and replacing townsmen as Members of Parliament as the costs of the job became more onerous and the social distinction of election more desirable .
7 At the moment they are swamped in other considerations and their very existence is often denied .
8 Forty-four-year-old Robin Phelps from Brockweir was one of two men who died after the gantry they were working on collapsed and fell more than a hundred and fifty feet into the Severn in September ( 1990 ) nineteen-ninety .
9 Before their confinements some women go to the trouble of having the room they are to lie in fumigated .
10 Brownish grey in colour they 're recommended for freshwater tanks , but should be tested in low pH set ups with care as some may raise the pH .
11 ‘ If we afforded them the respect they deserve the respect they are given in other European countries then the standard of service we would get would be a lot higher , ’ says the 55-year-old Swiss-trained baker .
12 People do not know which authority they are paying for particular services .
13 The open cars were delivered in 1934 , to save money they were fitted with second-hand controllers .
14 As reports flood in [ in this case they are drawn from contemporary accounts ] groups must produce a front page story about the cholera .
15 Ethnomethodology depicts conversation as discourse constructed and negotiated between the participants , following pre-established patterns , and marking the direction they are taking in particular ways : with pauses , laughter , intonations , filler words , and established formulae .
16 On closer inspection they were equipped with central nipples of white rubber .
17 So of course they 're based on national figures .
18 In this case , however , methodological issues are tackled from a largely user standpoint , whereas in the previous part they were viewed as substantive problems in their own right .
19 After a brief show trial they were put in solitary confinement in appalling conditions until March this year .
20 In the Trichoptera and the Dipterous family Psychodidae , for example , they are closely covered with hairs , while in the Lepidoptera they are invested with overlapping scales .
21 After discharge they were reviewed at weekly intervals and the volume of feed consumed was recorded daily throughout the four week period .
22 For some reason they 're mounted on angled surrounds , which I quite like the look of , but the coils are screened by black plastic covers which look pretty cheap and make a nasty scratching noise if you hit them with a pick .
23 Some form of property taxes are an almost universal source of income for local government , but in many parts of the world they are accompanied by other forms of taxation .
24 This is because he asked from the people a level of commitment that meant even in peacetime they were subjected to strict rule .
25 I knew that in the main they were painted by Indian and mestizo artists at the command of the Europeans .
26 When patients come to hospital they are living in close contact with more people than usual .
27 They had taken an early lead with four points from Damien Short but when Oliver Lennon was sent off for a high challenge they were plunged into temporary disarray .
28 Where the transform faults occur on land they are associated with significant topographic features such as the valley of the Irrawaddy River in Burma .
29 But for the rest of the year they are dominated by dead plants .
30 That way , they query nothing and never answer back ; as a result they are not known for their political judgement , but , during the Depression they were jolted into social awareness .
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