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1 ‘ We 're departing from the idea that microcomputers will be a fantastic source of telecommunications traffic in the future , ’ said Jean-Jacques Damlamian , France Telecom 's sales director , citing a study by DG Conseil that shows France 's 420,000 networked personal computers already generating $160m per year in revenues for all types of telecommunications traffic .
2 First , Waddell notched his second try after an incisive break by Little who also converted ; and then it was the right winger Manning who latched on to another break by Murray Wallace and made the score 32-0 .
3 Professor Hoskin , how worrying is this rise of , of nationalism in the narrow sense of the word and er your concerns about adventurism by Boris Yeltsin that concerns the republics , er , which might suffer considerably , Armenia for example , has always been er some sort of conflict with its neighbour like .
4 Ipswich could have taken the lead as early as the second minute , when Steve Whitton picked up a poor clearance by Nigel Spink and cracked a drive just wide from 25 yards .
5 With England now the enemy , this was inevitably one of the most vulnerable places in the northern kingdom — and indeed had been captured early in the Wars of Independence by Edward Plantagenet and remained in English hands ever since , its garrison readily supplied and reinforced from over the nearby Border .
6 Mark Shand 's account of his trip , Travels on my Elephant is published in hardback by Jonathan Cape and costs £14.99 .
7 They welcomed last month 's initiative by Mr Bush and called for a summit with him within 90 days .
8 Former club steward Peter Bishton , 34 , of Corporation Road , Darlington , charged with stealing nearly £4,000 Christmas savings from Richmond Comrades Club , was committed for trial at crown court by Richmond magistrates and remanded on bail until April 7 .
9 Moving swiftly on , after three months in Nottingham , Crawford appropriately spent March 1964 touring the country as Glaydon in March Hares , a new , surrealistic comedy by Ronald Harwood that starred Ian Carmichael .
10 The tidal estuary of the River Lune gave rise to Lancaster 's development as an inland port in the eighteenth century , trading with the West Indies , and several contemporary warehouses survive along St George 's Quay as well as the fine Custom House , designed in Palladian style by Richard Gillow and built in 1764 .
11 Other works in the sale include a Vlaminck ‘ Still life ’ of 1907 , a Renoir portrait of a young girl , still lifes by Matisse and Bonnard , two landscapes and a still life by de Staël and works on paper by Matisse , Moore , Dufy , Braque , Rouault and Vuillard .
12 She was given a year 's conditional discharge by Bicester Magistrates and ordered to pay a hundred pounds in costs and sixty pounds compensation .
13 The Tony Award winning show , written by MASH 's Larry Gelbart with music by Cy Coleman and directed by Michael Blakemore , combines the world of 1940s private eye films and musical comedy .
14 In the strikes by cleaners and hotel workers , as well as in a recent important stoppage by Ford workers that had no coverage in the press outside Spain — the UGT ( socialist ) and CCOO ( communist ) labour federations were united .
15 The book by Bram Stoker and published at the end of the last century has sold over a million copies .
16 The highlight of this sale of French and continental furniture and tapestries is to be found among pieces put up for sale by Lord Elgin and supplied to his ancestor Thomas , the Seventh Earl , by Martin-Eloy Lignereux .
17 Dickens ' timeless story , now coming up to its 146th Christmas , has been adapted with affection by David Holman and directed with dash by Gwenda Hughes .
18 Plucked from obscurity by US intelligence and groomed into a CIA asset over three decades , the general took no chances .
19 Those works include sculpture by Richard Deacon , Julian Opie , Grenville Davey and Richard Wentworth and a painting by Lisa Milroy and have been hung with recent purchases of contemporary art by Ashley Bickerton , Damien Hirst and other younger artists .
20 This was one of ten mines scoured from the sea by HMS Hurworth and destroyed within 36 hours , at the height of the Gulf conflict last year .
21 That day in early November when a warm sun was turning the autumn trees to gold , they entered the park by Grosvenor Gate and passed a group of young chimneysweeps in the Ring playing pitch-and-toss .
22 Only a save by Collins from a Stewart McLean header , and a rebound by Gary McVie that bounced off defender Jeff Calvin , foiled Coleraine .
23 The Berkeley Library , to the east of the Old Library , was built to a prize-winning design by Paul Koralek and opened in 1967 .
24 [ PAMELA , with hands tied , is carried with her bundle round the stage by LINCOLNSHIRE ROBIN and dumped unceremoniously stage centre . ]
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