Example sentences of "[noun sg] at this [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For those tha who are not to familiar with , the initials P P G , it stands for planning policy guidance , and there are a whole series of these guidance notes produced by the Department of the Environment for the er advice guidance of , well not only the local planning authorities but anyone else who is interested in the development business , and they are expressions of , I suppose government policy , er and their attitudes towards various aspects , whether it 's countryside , housing , trans or transport , and they do pro provide a useful backcloth , in fact an extremely valuable backcloth to the way in which er this matter should be considered , erm I know from the submission which North Yorkshire County Council have used they would say that the fact they have n't had regard to all this er , but I would like to carry on the discussion against that background , and could you direct your thinking at this stage about the need for a new settlement in the light of the principles spelt out in P P G three and particularly paragraph thirty three .
2 to keep to keep the the members of Council from their collective tea at this time of the evening , but my group feels it is necessary to put forward the people of the acute financial situation of this Council , a situation which is deteriorating rapidly , and began to deteriorate in May last year , May 1990 .
3 It is true that much of the country closes down for too long over this festive period , though there are advantages for industry in doing that and we all deserve a decent break at this time of the year .
4 The current real rates of seven per cent amount to economic crucifixion at this stage of the cycle .
5 ‘ He 's going to be a key figure at this club for the next three or four years , ’ said the Newcastle boss .
6 The large size of the Jovian magnetosphere is partly a consequence of the fairly low particle density in the solar wind at this distance from the Sun , and partly because the Jovian magnetic field is very strong .
7 Duncan and I had been talking for about ten minutes or more and swatting the increasing number of mosquitoes that always arrived in force at this time of the evening .
8 In retrospect , the ending at this point of the long preponderance of Western Europe ( that is to say , Italy , France , southern Germany , Belgium and Spain ) — a preponderance common to the pre-conciliar Church , the Council and even the pontificate of Paul VI — in the affairs of Catholicism and its replacement by a far wider range of geographical influences , may appear as far more significant than any shift from the mildly liberal to the neo-conservative .
9 Before then the only way to reach the last village at this end of the island was by boat or along a narrow path which clung to the hillside above precipitous cliffs .
10 Here again the score suggests there was some hurried work at this point in the show .
11 The experts in rugby law at this end of the world say categorically that the organisers of the tournament were simply not entitled to do that and , as a result , there must be an inquiry .
12 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
13 The approach of the district judge at this stage of the proceedings is clearly crucial , although , whatever approach may be adopted in practice towards the parties , the review does at least give them the opportunity to meet and survey the relative strength of their cases .
14 Is it not important , however , to stress , particularly for the benefit of the foreign exchange markets , that some increase in the public sector borrowing requirement at this stage in the cycle is entirely appropriate and in no way reflects any weakening of his determination to win the battle against inflation ?
15 Officials say that this is a sensible sort of calculation and exercise that should properly take place at this stage in the fiscal year .
16 I say to those below the Gangway that the debate takes place at this end of the Chamber .
17 Would that the same could be said for another competition that takes place at this time of the year — England 's County Championship finals .
18 " Have n't you a great cheek to go looking for bread-soda at this hour of the day ?
19 It will be the 50th Irish match at this venue since the first in 1868 .
20 Chaucer , writing for an aristocratic audience , would be less inclined to dwell on such incidental details or to consider seasonal variations than Langland , whose central theme at this point in the work was that of hunger .
21 On May 5 the Foreign Ministers of East and West Germany and of the four major victorious allied powers of the Second World War — France , the Soviet Union , the United Kingdom and the United States — met in Bonn , the West German capital , for the first meeting at this level in the so-called " two-plus-four " discussions on the security implications of German unification [ see pp. 37259-60 for February agreement on talks ] .
22 The problem is any interest rate rise , particularly one which triggered a rise in mortgage rates , would be an outrage for business at this point in the cycle and would deal a blow to consumer confidence .
23 The rain at this end of the island tends to die off towards the end of March , but it has certainly damaged pitches including that at the Government Stadium , which Paterson reckoned would be deemed unplayable by most clubs in Scotland .
24 I have no immediate plans for any significant changes in the question rota at this stage in the Parliament .
25 It was one of the evenings when Mrs Bennett , having left everything ready to be heated , was not returning , especially as Celia 's feeling of nausea at this time of the day had more or less disappeared .
26 Since anti-Semitism was such a prominent feature of the Party 's public image , and that of its leader , whom many must have heard speak in person in the Munich beerhalls , it seems certain that the ‘ Jewish Question ’ ranked highly as a motivational factor at this date for the Movement 's recruits , often coming to the NSDAP from other anti-Semitic organizations and völkisch groups .
27 The Pumping Station at this village on the River Witham near Tattershall was built to drain the surrounding land because shrinkage of the peat ( see Holme Fen ) has left the surface level lower than the rivers .
28 LOZ was revelling more than most , and after the club closed he dragged sexy woolly hat-wearing NME hack SIMON WILLIAMS around the streets of Islington looking for a pot-bellied old man clutching a bottle of champagne as it was ‘ the only way we 'll get a drink at this time in the morning ’ .
29 I think er the original plan would have envisaged er a very high proportion of that work having been converted to a fixed price at this point in the programme because according to the original programme not only would the aircraft have flown but we would be entering production investment at this stage and we would there be be fairly confident about the er maturity of the design , however the programme has proceeded much more slowly than originally planned and the amount of er the price that has been converted to a fixed price is indeed quite modest er we have in fact I think only converted eight of the price packages to a fixed price er basis so far .
30 Yes , well these , all wasps of course , er tend to er hit the fruit juice at this time of the year , and that fruit juice is very often fermenting , and you get a particularly er waspish reaction , er naturally , when er somebody goes to pick up a fallen apple or windfall pear , and they pick up a handful of wasp , inadvertently , and I think this year , particularly with a shortage of water , more wasps of all species have been driven to attack fruit , er and are feeding on the er fruit juice , much of which is fermenting .
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