Example sentences of "[noun sg] they have [adv] [been] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably , though , some people missed the point entirely and as a result they 've often been tarred by the indiscriminate brush of ‘ gothic rock ’ .
2 As a result they have also been trapped into importing food , an operation with considerable potential for losses , although ameliorated by exchange rate policy .
3 It was a wonder they had n't been buried under it , and their injuries correspondingly worse .
4 To some degree they had already been catering for children with special needs .
5 Suddenly , above the shouting , shots and noise of battle , the neighing of horses , creaking wheels and ringing harness , came the sound they had all been dreading : the thin , sharp crackle of ice giving way under strain .
6 It is Davie 's contention that this view is quite wrong : there are a great many outstandingly talented British poets , including Charles Tomlinson , C H Sisson , Elaine Feinstein and others ( Davie , as distinguished a poet as any of his subjects , modestly excludes his own work ) who do not answer to this description , and one purpose of Under Briggflats is to claim for them the attention they have often been denied ; in some cases , indeed , to rescue them from scandalous neglect .
7 The inhabitants of the country had been decimated , their land ravaged , much of their unique ecclesiastical heritage destroyed ; but as a race they had not been mongrelized .
8 When trainees are allowed to begin interviewing on their own under supervision they have already been accepted as CAB trainee advice workers , but in the GLCABS structure where candidates begin by observing the interviewing process they may not yet have formally passed the selection procedure .
9 Statutory provisions embodying the CICS have been enacted , but at the time of writing they had not been brought into force .
10 As a direct result of expertise gained by the Getty conservators in the restoration of the Nefertari tomb they have now been invited to collaborate with the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation on the restoration of the tomb of Tuthankhamun .
11 The Rules were made in 1925 and in this respect they have not been changed .
12 Because they are a form of money they have often been concealed for safe-keeping in hoards , and such careful burial has contributed to the excellent state of preservation today of so many objects made hundreds of years ago .
13 Asked about BBC1 and 2 , ITV and Channel 4 , more than two-thirds of respondents in the ITC study said in each case they had not been offended by the channel in question .
14 And the form of drug they had indeed been taking — a legal drug , as it happens , called alcohol — is under attack from the surgeon-general .
15 A small proportion of the ladies of the upper classes entered convents ; the remainder were married off , where possible , shortly after puberty ; in the very highest society they had commonly been betrothed , sometimes more than once , in babyhood .
16 The reason they have not been put into wide scale use is their cost electrical power generation from current photovoltaic devices is still 10 times more expensive than from more conventional sources .
17 He 's gon na find it hard as well I think , but on the other hand they have n't been communicating at all , you know , it 's not like
18 As a precaution they had both been admitted to hospital , but Sean Walsh had driven up and got Benny discharged .
19 Stewart 's slogan was ‘ War on Graft ’ , Donlevy 's ‘ Doing Things the Way They 've Always Been Done ’ .
20 They , they left here erm about half past eight , twenty to nine and they got to about half way they had n't been gone twenty minutes and I thought , oh she 's left her photographs , she had to get four passport photographs and she 'd left them here and I thought we 'd send them , send them to her and she did n't like them you see , but she 'd have them .
21 At the time of the Han dynasty , when jade was still the only material fit to accompany the emperor , it was accompanied in the case of feudal lords and officials of grades 1–3 by pearls and in that of officials of grade 4 by gold.47 One indication of the status of pearls in Christendom is their use in iconography as symbols of regeneration , and the way they have long been used to enrich the crowns of sovereigns from the sacred crown of Hungary to the mitre crown of Catherine II of Russia and in our own day the State Crown of Queen Elizabeth II ( Frontispiece ; figs. 35 and 37 ) .
22 However , as these foods also contain fat they have already been incorporated under the goals for fat and so need not be repeated here .
23 In this controlled clinical trial , presumably it is important to test drugs on patients themselves and presumably the important feature , as you mentioned , is that they are volunteers , rather than people who are buying it , the medicines , in good faith with the expectation they 've already been tested ?
24 A week later he was dead , but by that time they had both been shipped off to England .
25 They 'd both been working for nearly two years , and all that time they had n't been paid a penny .
26 These problems appear to be real enough and to be indistinguishable from other problems but in fact they have only been created by ourselves .
27 ‘ To that extent they have already been punished . ’
28 There are many places which may have had galleries in the past , but without reliable references , Deeds , an old painting or some remains of original woodwork they have not been included , tempting though this would have been .
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