Example sentences of "[noun sg] that can be [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 These latter are the agglomerated , and subsequently dried , cells of single-celled microorganisms like algae , yeasts , fungi and certain bacteria which can be cultivated on a large industrial-scale basis for the production of protein that can be used for either human or animal consumption .
2 All Stick models now come with new , mega-adjustable hardware : a new bridge/tailpiece unit , a patented truss rod , a height-adjustable nut , a pickup that can be tweaked for individual string volume and a four-way strap system for altering the angle of dangle .
3 To behave as if such human processes produce some kind of universal , objective category that can be taken for granted by criminologists was , they argued , absurd .
4 The simplest dynamical question that can be posed for curved space–time is to ask what the motion of a test body is in free fall , i.e. under gravitational forces alone .
5 It will not escape notice that , first , this question enquires about the verb and the adjective together , not the adjective alone ; and , second , this is precisely the form of question that can be used for a single , unmodified transitive verb : ( 9 ) Lionel shredded the memoranda what did Lionel do to the memoranda ? 5.2 For reasons which will become apparent , we shall call the adjectives in this structure adverbal adjectives .
6 I do not wish to reject Lévi-Strauss 's ‘ structuralist method ’ but call into question the epistemological basis that can be claimed for it .
7 My own opinion is that all cold-blooded animals are endowed with responsive behaviour that can be mistaken for higher intelligence , when what we are really dealing with are reflex actions to given stimuli — as in Pavlov 's dogs , which salivated when a bell they associated with food was rung .
8 It is a method of behaviour control that can be used for most forms of behaviour management except where the children are being destructive or likely to hurt someone else or themselves .
9 The fact of being ‘ family ’ is no guarantee that people can live together happily on a long-term basis , and almost any other good ‘ care ’ arrangement that can be made for an elderly person is better than a cat-and-dog life with relatives , where there is no common ground for agreement , and constant quarrels make home life a misery .
10 The ACLU also notes the inconssstency that an employee can be punished for smoking a joint on his summer holiday , which leaves a residue that can be detected for weeks , but not for getting drunk in the evening of a working day .
11 The only thing that can be said for astrology is that it makes money for those who write and publish horoscopes , despite being wrong on most occasions .
12 One thing that can be said for this type of control is that you only need a minimum of movement in the pot to switch between crunch and scream .
13 They are always composed : 1 ) of a dissimilar thing that can be exchanged for the thing of which the value is to be determined ; and 2 ) of similar things that can be compared with the thing of which the value is to be determined .
14 Is there a jurisprudential justification that can be advanced for such a feeling , he asked , and if so , how should the relationship between the criminal law and the moral law be stated ?
15 The purpose of evaluation is to collect and analyse information that can be used for rational decision making .
16 On the back of information collected for patient care will come aggregated information that can be used for resource management , budgeting , audit , and research on outcomes .
17 Our perception of spermatozoa was changed forever by Woody Allen 's impersonation of one in Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex , and University of Pennsylvania are giving substance to his fantasies , putting the poor little tadpoles through an arduous obstacle course to step up the process of survival of the fittest : according to Prodigy Services Co , the mad scientists have created a new class of silicon chip that can be used for analyzing sperm samples and providing a venue for fertilisation ; the technology uses microscopic obstacle courses inside a silicon wafer to weed out unhealthy sperm , and has been used successfully to fertilise a mouse egg ; the chips are etched with a virtual theme park of twisting channels , forests of columns , and other features designed to ensure only the strongest of sperm reach their goal , with some passages so small that only a single cell can pass ; the researchers have not yet applied for approval to test human fertilisation using the chip , but say that could happen within the next 12 months — Brave New World , or the embodiment of virtual sex .
18 ‘ Video is possibly the most versatile and cost-effective medium that can be used for development communication , extension and training , ’ says Matthijs de Vreede in his book Video for Development .
19 The stock market also provides a price guide to the value of a company that can be used for transferral of ownership in the form of a takeover .
20 In the case of the Open University it is obviously worthwhile to produce well-designed audio-visual material that can be used for teaching thousands of students .
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