Example sentences of "[noun sg] that we [verb] [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 It 's called the Tripyer Shield and it 's a local amateur thing Eccles and District and to win it it 's like winning the F A Cup and this G M B team that we started we lost about three or four matches and we started losing the players , so when you do n't lock the doors and you 'd end up with about seven players and you 'd think is it worth bothering ?
2 She said she 's looking forward to the day that we get it fixed !
3 It was n't till the news that night that we realised we had been filmed while doing these taxi service for people .
4 Consider too the circumstances of Jane Austen , whose novels breathe such grace and balance that we assume she wrote with no distractions :
5 Today we all have access to the speed , warmth and comfort of cars , buses , trains and planes , if that is we have the money , if there is a service running when we want it to where we want to go and if there is n't already so much traffic ahead of us choking the roads , polluting the atmosphere that we wished we stayed at home .
6 chasing back to the local paper to the approximate time that we think they died see if they report enough about them .
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