Example sentences of "[noun sg] that it [modal v] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is tempting to get a large capacity sack if you know you 'll have a lot to carry , but bear in mind that it could tempt you to carry too much !
2 Thousands of people took AZT in the hope that it would make them feel better and live longer .
3 By this time , however , the ‘ Manhattan Project ’ had produced and tested an atomic bomb , and the new President Truman agreed House the fearful weapon against the Japanese in the hope that it would cause them to agree to a ceasefire .
4 To draw attention to their plight , they blockaded the road in the hope that it would get them priority for repairs .
5 Primate tool use has been studied by anthropologists in the hope that it might tell us something about our own evolution ; by psychologists trying to obtain a better understanding of problem solving and intelligence ; and by animal behaviourists simply because the use of tools among wild primates is part of their natural repertoire of behaviour .
6 In the hope that it will lock them in to the MIPS Computer Systems Inc RISC family , Silicon Graphics Inc has persuaded eight of the major MIPS chip users and fabricators — Control Data Systems Inc , Integrated Device Technology Inc , NEC Corp , Sumishomo Electronics Co Ltd , Sumitomo Corp , Tandem Computers Inc , Tata Enterprises Overseas Pte Ltd and Toshiba America Electronic Components Inc to participate in a modest way in the share offering it is making to raise cash to bolster the balance sheet of its MIPS Computer Systems acquisition .
7 Here , I am going to discuss tackle in more depth in the hope that it will help you to choose the best .
8 This chapter mixes our personal story with principles from the book of Acts in the hope that it will help you to get on with it !
9 the vitamins , and erm it was a criminologist that it could help you mentally .
10 therefore we have supported the A C C line on the basis of the flexibility that it would give you , as an employer , bearing in mind , you do n't have to do anything , it will be your choice in the individual case , er , within your policies .
11 Even if he managed to get to a horse , he had a nasty suspicion that it would follow him at its own pace .
12 In fact , Peirce 's explanation is metaphysical , resting on his panpsychist objective idealism : he rejects the use of natural selection in the explanation because the fact that a faculty was necessary for the commonsense inquiries which facilitate survival and reproduction is no guarantee that it will help us to describe reality .
13 In proceedings under Parts IV and V of the Children Act this privilege is waived and no person is excused from giving evidence or answering a question put to him in the course of his evidence on the ground that it will incriminate him or his spouse ( s98(1) ) .
14 The man 's mind is in such a state that it might unhinge him completely .
15 Now , on the national issue of course , like all legislation there are all the side issues that pop up after the legislation has been passed , and there 's no question in my mind that one of the side effects of the opting out legislation that it will make it very difficult for local authorities to reorganize .
16 They had heard the unnatural humming of a pylon in the summer air ; and had actually gone beneath it , on Fiver 's assurance that it could do them no harm .
17 Kings wanted to build up reserves of bullion for the very practical reason that it would enable them to recruit armies , and it was also true that gold and silver had a great power to dazzle men 's minds .
18 Among the birds , body-armour is absent for the obvious reason that it would make them too heavy to fly .
19 We believe that it would be more sensible if a proportion of the compensation would be met by people like pension fund managers if for no other reason that it would encourage them to er keep their own house in order erm and you know it 's not a bad er principle to operate in these areas .
20 This is a training session for , life assurance , well it 's to pro , it 's to provide permanent health insurance benefits , and whilst I think there 's evidence at the moment to suggest that obviously your health is in by smoking , erm , insurance companies have n't got round yet to saying it 's enough of a risk that it will keep you off work , although quite clearly I think it will .
21 If the money falls in law to be repaid , a direct order for its repayment is more appropriate than a declaration that it should repay it or an order setting aside a refusal to be repaid .
22 Yes , she had recognised pride as an intrinsic component of his personal make-up , and the fact that it could permit him to ignore or override her resistance , her hostility , her hatred , was probably the true measure of his confidence in her ultimate surrender .
23 However , larger companies like Ford have also woken up to the fact that it could help them build small runs of specialist cars — the Ford RS200 for example — cheaply and quickly , which gave the movement momentum .
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