Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On jobs , its almost certain there will be further losses during the next two years , but bear in mind that when I asked for SVS volunteers last September more than 230 people applied .
2 With this , well erm I was er after the first two years when I did n't get a referred lead or recommendation cos I , I had this fear in my mind that if I asked for names , they 'd actually not give them and that they would actually then cancel the policy they 'd taken out with me , I actually thought that
3 Well , it wo n't be this year for the competition is intense but there 's no doubt in my mind that if he sticks at it young Coates will eventually get to the top .
4 He did n't tell anyone about her visits ; he had a kind of superstitious fear that if he spoke of her , she 'd vanish like the fairy folk .
5 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
6 4.5 For landlords , we propose a rule that when they part with their interest in the property let by a lease they will escape further responsibility for the lease obligations if , but only if , they comply with prescribed conditions .
7 All four evangelists record the promise of John the Baptist that whereas he baptises in water , the One who comes after him will baptise with the Holy Spirit ( and , according to Matthew and Luke , ‘ with fire ’ ) .
8 This is unflattering in any room as the effect is harsh , but in a bedroom there is the added disadvantage that if you stand between the light and the window your silhouette will be visible on your curtains or blinds .
9 Is it not the case that when it comes to positive action and real decisions , the Government are always in the pocket of the landowners ?
10 In Ego Dormio he explains to the Sister that as she grows in her love of Christ , she will find nothing matters to her but this love and the sin of man which disfigures it , and that all this is focused by thinking on the Passion of Christ : Although in The Form he makes it clear to Margaret that it is difficult to be too prescriptive about meditation , since God will put the kind of thoughts into her heart that are right for her , he does say in Emendatio Vitae that beginners in spiritual life may find the words of others helpful ( 8.120.31 – 2 ) and on occasions he himself wrote meditations on the Passion which embody his understanding of the catalysis they are designed to help .
11 You know the kind that if you lived in a house which had got an uneven floor when you opened the door the wardrobe falls over towards you .
12 Solicitors for the feudal superiors — the Scottish Episcopal Church — have warned the man behind the plan that if he proceeds with his plan , the church has the power to repossess the building .
13 Is n't it such a pity that when it comes to the playing of the game he either forgets the rules or makes up new ones .
14 So it will matter then to the child that if he types in four times two plus one , it 's got to be the right version of that sum .
15 But worse than this pardonable affliction was Ramsey 's discovery that when they talked about his beloved Durham this Durham man showed no interest .
16 Since I 've understood what management was about — I suppose that must have been back in the early 1950s — I 've had the philosophy that if I go into a job I must do it better than the bloke who 's been doing it before me .
17 In the public-spending round of Government it is certainly true that departments overbid on the basis that when it comes to the crunch they can bring the bid down without damage .
18 It seemed a shame that while he stood in the Chuckwagon queue he called his girlfriend ‘ Tray ’ .
19 Hypocrisy is a key element in this plot , too , with the difference that while they started near the top of society and were on the verge of receiving power at the very beginning , he — as a bastard son who is only just back from having spent nine years abroad ( the typical occupation for one who has no prospect of inheritance in his own country ) and is due to go again — starts very much lower down in society , virtually at the bottom .
20 All we have to do is print the design from the magnified screen , but in sections , and it is not purely by accident that when you click on the Magnify icon , the area shown in the design screen is exactly 45 squares wide , or one quarter of the needle bed width .
21 It would be foolish to deny that there has been great suspicion that when we talk about freedoms and flexibilities what we are actually talking about is worsening existing terms and conditions .
22 Erm but I 'm hoping that one day he 'll see I know he 's seen my work and I think I 've got a sneaking suspicion that when he came in here he was gon na ask me to do it .
23 Unused to the rough and ready answering-back of British socialism , he remarked next day that if he lived in Britain he would be a Tory .
24 A vicar in Battersea told me the other day that when he went to the church festival of Christmas at the local primary school — one of the schools within his parish — there was plenty of Father Christmas and jingle bells , but not one reference to Jesus .
25 The selection provides ample evidence that since she retired for health reasons from her full-time post as curator of the DLI Museum in Durham , Nerys has obviously been enjoying herself enormously .
26 His acceptance of Franco 's " absolution " was given in the knowledge that if he engaged in further subversive activities , it could be at the risk of his career .
27 When that was rejected he argued in favour of his old plan of travelling on foot by the secret paths ; there were so many footpaths they could not all be watched and there was a chance that if they came upon outlaws there would be no more than one or two .
28 The argument for this might be based on the claim that when we speak to someone we are using a ‘ code ’ , and the most efficient codes do not use unnecessary symbols .
29 anyway we , we had a petition that when it came up that er , that the new E E C rules were coming in that they would , they 'd going to have to have a clean way if you are you are and a dirty way out you know
30 A dull , cold , rainy day does not literally mean ‘ sadness ’ — it is possible to be happy on such a day — but it is so obviously a metaphor for sadness that when it appears in writing it has become a cliché , intended to trigger a predictable response .
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