Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pers pn] [vb mod] [not/n't] give " in BNC.

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1 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
2 The recognition that we can not give complete holist explanations of social phenomena does not undermine the centrality of the intuition to which the doctrine , in its various forms , is a response : the sense that many properties of individuals , whether tastes , aspirations , beliefs , expectations or habits , are to an over-whelming extent formed by society .
3 I told the hon. Gentleman that I could not give him the information for which he asked until October , when the 1991 population figures would become available .
4 The Home Secretary has told the Commission that he can not give advice on the matter .
5 That being so , will my right hon. Friend give the House a commitment that he will not give way on that in the discussions next week ?
6 It was held ( a ) that it was a statement of present fact , namely that at the time the letter was sent the traveller had a definite and certain booking , ( b ) that that statement was false because the airline 's overbooking policy meant that the traveller 's booking was exposed to a risk that it might not give a seat on the aircraft , and ( c ) that the airline made the false statement knowingly ( and not merely recklessly ) since the airline was well aware of its own overbooking policy .
7 Very few athletes enter sport without the assistance and encouragement of a teacher who might innocently create serious tensions , as with Jackie Jackson , whose PE teacher strengthened her commitment to athletics , a commitment which proved destructive to her educational aims , as she pointed out : ‘ I was spending so much time in athletics that I could n't give enough time to my ‘ A ’ levels . ’
8 ‘ I will allow you to take his soul , ’ said Fael-Inis again , ‘ but I must have your promise that you will not give his body to the Conablaiche .
9 One thing to be said of that is that it does not at all follow , from the fact that we can not give particular descriptions of items that fall within a set , that we can not satisfactorily conceive of and describe the set .
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