Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] was [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now my Lord as is er then made clear in a statement of claim paragraph three fifteen erm between the twenty third of October and about the twenty second of November the plaintiff then acting upon the advice of Peter that it was not possible to withdraw on this contract , did endeavour to complete upon the deal as soon as possible , very much with the timing in his mind and eventually after some toing and froing which er will be demonstrated in the course of the evidence , agreement was reached with the landlord for his consent to the assignment to be given er on condition that there was payment of some advance rent by the plaintiff .
2 Clinton , who the opinion polls consistently suggested enjoyed a significant lead , continued his relentless attack on the economic record of the Bush-Reagan years and repeated the underlying message of his campaign that it was time for change .
3 It 's a word that has been percolating in dance music for the past couple of years , a reminder that there was life before raves , gripping club culture by the scruff of its Joe Bloggs shirt , and shaking it until the penny drops .
4 Having reached the conclusion that there was consideration for the agreement made on June 28 and June 29 , 1973 , I must next consider whether even if that agreement , varying the terms of the original ship-building contract of April 10 , 1972 , was made under a threat to break that original contract and that the various increased instalments were made consequentially under the varied agreement , the increased sums can be recovered as money had and received .
5 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
6 Deputy co-ordinator John Hinchcliffe told Middlesbrough Victim Support 's annual meeting that it was part of a wider increase in the group 's work .
7 On the Canterbury estates , the initial period of leasing from 1380 to 1440 was followed by a time when it was harder to secure tenants , but after about 1490 there was some recovery in revenues and evidence that there was competition for leases ( 80 , pp.79 , 86 ) .
8 There is also evidence that there was disagreement in the Council on the recognition of certain religious groups .
9 Admittedly there had been almost no money in it , but he took it as evidence that she was saving in order to leave him .
10 The curtains were not drawn half across the window and so closing out the light as most curtains were wont to do , but were wide apart showing , of all things , a piece of grassland parched by the sun but , nevertheless , still giving evidence that it was grass by the strip in the shadow of the house .
11 When he split up with his wife , a while before , she spread some damaging stories about him , and I think the college was secretly quite relieved to have some evidence that he was het after all .
12 Open field sites in the vicinity of London were taken over for the construction of studios in the belief that it was heaps of brick and iron rather than organizational flair that explained the success of Louis B. Mayer or Samuel Goldwyn .
13 Tony laughed along with the rest , even though the terrifying feeling that he was part of something unreal and sinister still persisted .
14 I had a nasty feeling that I was part of this do-it-yourself metaphor .
15 Creggan was not afraid but instead filled with the feeling that there was strength in the Man that was on his side ; and anger too ; and that something was happening , something that concerned Minch .
16 The beeper alarm on Diane 's watch sounded as they were driving back , the signal that it was time for her to go and collect the litterbug Jed from his minder .
17 Their eyes met for the space of a long heartbeat , and despite the clean white bandage round the man 's forehead and the strip of plaster on one bruised cheek , Grant felt a surge of rage at the thought that he was face to face with the brutal oriental who had hurt Pam .
18 WE should note when talking of the Rover car company 's current success that it was Honda of Japan that modernised Rover 's factories .
19 Down went Alvar Salvadores in great haste , and ordered a bell to be rung which was a signal for two hundred knights to make ready ; for the history saith , that the Cid , by reason that he was alway in war , had appointed such signals for his people , that they knew when one hundred were called for , and when two , and so forth .
20 Steve , one thing that there was mention to that and I 've got a some pass it on just for people
21 Held , allowing the appeal , that although justices had an overriding duty to investigate the proposals advanced by the parties notwithstanding that they had been fully agreed , the profundity of that investigation should reflect the reality that there was consensus between the parties , particularly when one party was a local authority with statutory duties and another the child 's guardian ad litem , and any period during which justices reserved their decision or reasoned judgment should be kept to a minimum ; that if justices , having fulfilled their duty to make an independent investigation of terms proposed by consent , came to the conclusion that other terms should be imposed on the parties , they should indicate the terms they were minded to impose and give the parties an opportunity to make submissions on them ; and that , in all the circumstances , the order should be varied to provide that there would be no contact with the father on the basis that the local authority would continue to perform its statutory duty to review each six months and that the half-sister would be afforded reasonable contact ( post , pp. 277B–F , 278C–D ) .
22 Before the master the attack on the third party notice was , I understand , based on somewhat technical issues , such as the want of particularity in the allegations made against the third party , the fact that there is no assertion that he was part of the conspiracy in which the third defendant is said to have joined and an argument that the third defendant and the third party are not on any view liable to the plaintiffs in respect of the same damage , so that the case is not within section 1(1) of the Civil Liability ( Contribution ) Act 1978 , which I shall mention in some detail later .
23 Yet as far as we know , these pinpricks to the memory that she was queen of Scots did not seriously upset her ready assumption that her mother would do the job for her .
24 There can be no doubt that there was disagreement in the Council on this matter of recognition and that the older orders , the Benedictines , Augustinians and Cistercians , put pressure on the pope .
25 He said he had no doubt that there was uncertainty amongst Protestants , which could be traced directly to recent comments by British ministers .
26 It is clear from the conversation that there was sympathy for the person involved because it was easy for them to place themselves in that position , allowing the event to be normalized .
27 Was he worried that she 'd finally found her proof that he was hand in glove with Harry Martin ?
28 The fact that there was resistance to these proposals was entirely predictable .
29 Apart from the fact that there was trouble with one of the other directors — apparently Jefferson was having a high old time with his wife and , to add insult to injury , charging the hotel rooms to expenses — you may recall that Downton lost two very valuable contracts with players in tennis and golf .
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