Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pron] had be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well before 1330 the Angevin Empire had ceased to be the dynamic and significant political force that it had been in the mid and late twelfth century .
2 It was said in his defence that he had been through a tough war as an Infantry NCO and the award of the Military Medal was proof of his bravery .
3 ‘ I did n't know you were religious , Balvinder , ’ surprised by his admission that he had been to the gurdwara .
4 We were in precisely the same place that we had been in three dawns previously !
5 ( He is certainly the first pope for whom we have direct evidence that he had been at a centre of learning . )
6 There were only three crumpled cigarette-packs , a sign that whoever had been in the truck had possibly been waiting a long time .
7 After some spirited discussion Margaret agreed with the policy but pointed out with some feeling that she had been in the chair of every meeting of the Economic Committee throughout the Falklands crisis .
8 In other words , quite apart from the franchise changes that did the party no net harm , the changes of 1918–21 transformed the Unionists from the natural minority that they had been in 1914 to a natural majority party until the Second World War .
9 The thought that it had been inside his mouth , touching his tongue and gums and those rather small but perfect teeth , that it had been drenched in some of his most intimate fluids gave me an erotic thrill .
10 The thought hammered in my brain that I had been under the impression that I was fit .
11 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
12 This was the first time that he had been past the big covered back porch of her house , and everything was new and interesting .
13 Every time that he had been inside the Citadel he went home as soon as his day 's work was finished and scrubbed his body from toe to scalp .
14 To find a job he had to hide the fact that he had been in a mental hospital .
15 Interest and miscellaneous expenses were , however , quite a different matter , and the fact that it had been in the nature of his employment to disburse vast and unspecified amounts , as he put it , ‘ upon the simple word of the treasurer ’ , who had died in 1635 , did not help matters .
16 Despite the fact that there had been at least 350 murders in Haiti in the past year , Avril responded to the attack by claiming that emergency measures were necessary " to protect democratic accomplishments against terrorism " .
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